English Learner Services / District Advisory Council (DAC)
District Advisory Council (DAC) & District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
DAC/DELAC - Chula Vista Elementary School District
DAC provides communication, information, and training for School Site Councils. There are 25 schools with schoolwide Title I programs in the district. DELAC comprises representatives from each school's English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), a school-based committee required if there are more than 21 English Learners at that school.
What is the DAC/ DELAC? DAC- a district committee of elected parents. Speaks for parents of “academically disadvantaged” students. The needs of our students always come first. Subcommittees can be formed to explore an issue related to ELs. Representatives should represent the interests of parents at their site and not personal interests.
District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC)
2025年3月7日 · District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is a committee established in California public school districts with 51 or more Multilingual learners (ML). Its purpose is to advise the Board of Education on matters related to English language development programs and services for Multilingual learners.
Each California public school district with 51 or more English learners must form a District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). Cada distrito escolar público de California con 51 o más estudiantes de inglés debe formar un Comité Asesor de Estudiantes de …
DAC / DELAC – Educational Services - Monrovia Unified School …
The District Advisory Committee (DAC) and the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) provide valuable opportunities for parents to advise our district on services for students. The responsibilities of each of these advisory committees are described below.
East Side Union High School District - DAC/DELAC/LCAP District …
The District Advisory Committee/District English Learners Advisory Committee (DAC/DELAC) is a group of parents, staff, students and community members elected by School Site Committees, to provide on-going advice to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees as they:
DAC - DELAC Meetings – DAC & DELAC – El Rancho Unified …
The District Advisory Council (DAC) and the District English Learner Advisory Council (DELAC) are comprised of parents, community members and staff who work collaboratively with district administrators on programs related to Title I and English Learners.
District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
DELAC is made up of representatives from each school's English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), a school-based committee required if there are more than 21 English Learners at that school. The Committee's role is to advise the district on programs and services for English Learner students.
District Advisory Committees (DAC) / English Learners (DELAC)
The District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC) is a state mandated advisory committee. Each district with 51 or more English learners, regardless of language, must form a functioning DELAC. The purpose of the DELAC, is to advise the Board of Education (in person and/or in writing) on programs and services for English learners.