DAC-X3PRO-深圳市飞想数码科技有限公司 - szfxaudio.cn
【Various Inputs and Outputs】 DAC-X3 Pro is not only a audio dac, but also a headphone amplifier. The digital to analog audio converter has PC-USB, optical and coaxial inputs which can fit with many home audio devices. Can connect to mobile phone, TV, DVD/BluRay player or CD player. RCA output can be connected to active speakers or amplifiers.
FX AUDIO DAC-X3. One of the cheapest worth to buy? - Tech …
2018年1月8日 · FX Audio DAC-X3 is a little brother of well known X6. I decided to review this little DAC / Headphone amplifier to find out how it stands to its competitors Home
FX-Audio DAC-X3PRO USB DAC ESS9023 Headphone Amplifier …
2023年11月27日 · DAC-X3PRO is a cost-effective audio decoder dac converter and headphone amplifier with USB ASRC transmission. 【USB Power Supply】Adopts USB power supply adaptive technology. Inserted separately USB cable, it can be automatically converted to USB power supply for the whole machine.
Sound Blaster X3 - Hi-Res 7.1 Discrete External USB DAC and …
Redefine your desktop movie experience with the world’s first Super X-Fi External USB DAC and Amp sound card. Enjoy cinematic audio regardless of your preference for headphones or speakers with 7.1 discrete surround and 7.1 virtual surround.
FX Audio DAC-X3 Pro DAC/Amp | Audiophile | DACs - Drop
For those who want to simplify their audio setup without sacrificing quality, the DAC-X3 Pro from FX Audio is the way to go. Standing 1-inch tall with a 4-inch-by-4-inch base, this compact signal solution functions as both a DAC and a headphone amp.
- 评论数: 16
瑞启RudiStor DAC X3开箱赏析 - hifidiy.net
自从处心积虑地寻找「USB DAC/耳扩」一体机以来,说巧不巧,接触这类器材的机率直线上升.先是借到官方正式代理的第一台PS Audio Sprout样机,现又承另间代理商善意,大方出借台湾目前先引进一台的RudiStor产品,正是DAC兼耳扩,也吃USB输入.此件DAC X3其实我「观望」(垂涎 ...
鲁迪大叔做解码——RudiStor DAC-X3 - 新浪博客
只要不是特别难推的低灵敏度耳机、高阻耳机,dac x3直推还是可以获得优美好听轻松的效果。 大致来说其耳放部分应该是个缩水版的nx03的效果。
X3 MK III - FiiO
The X3 Mark III can also be used as a USB DAC capable of decoding up to 192kHz/24 bit audio. Furthermore, the new X3 is implemented as an asynchronous USB DAC, which is unsurpassed in terms of quality of sound reproduction.
FEIXIANG FX-AUDIO DAC-X3飞想数字功放-Taobao - 淘寶
欢迎来到淘宝网选购FEIXIANG FX-AUDIO DAC-X3飞想数字功放, 淘宝数亿热销好货,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外币支付等多种付款方式、平台客服24小时在线、由商家提供退换货承诺、让你简单淘到宝。
千元大杀器 飞傲X3 三代体验评测 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
音频配置方面,飞傲X3 三代使用了两颗 德州仪器 的PCM5242作为DAC,OPA2140和OPA1622作为LPF和运放。 系统界面方面,飞傲X3 三代采用了比较纯粹的MP3播放器界面,没有过多花哨的功能,简单总结就是一个“可以播放音乐的音乐播放器“。 在一开始得知飞傲X3 三代采用的是双德仪PCM5242作为DAC的时候,我们对它的声音是抱有一定质疑的。 虽然前两代采用了更高档的CS4398,但是声音却只是一般般,而这颗定位更低的PCM5242真的能用来放在第三代上吗? …