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AdBlue - DAF
DAF SCR科技適用於整個DAF產品範圍的所有引擎系列。 它已經過完全的測試,使用已證實的科技將更增加燃燒效率、耐用性和可靠度的價值。 將因此而降低運轉成本。 而且,DAF的SCR技術正搭配著最好的商用卡車。 DAF 的SCR系統科技期許一個乾淨的未來 本型錄不得任意 ...
What is the benefit of DAF SCR Technology? In the new range of Euro 5 and EEV PACCAR engines, SCR technology is combined with advanced fuel injection techniques that provide the most favourable conditions for a controlled and efficient combustion process. PACCAR engines with SCR is the best technology and DAF has made the best use of it! one stop.
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CF 6Pin1 - DAF
最能勝任各種工作的完美夥伴 DAF CF17噸及12噸大貨車配置AS-Tronic自手排變速箱及DAF專利的氣囊懸吊系統;堅固耐用的底盤,設計精巧的SCR系統,全車系符合EURO 5環保法規,先進科技的創新設計,造就低油耗、高CP值,雙雙滿足您贏家的選擇。 型 型式 排氣量
Regeneracja katalizatora SCR DAF 106 – DPF DAF 106 XF Lift
W samochodach ciężarowych DAF XF 106 spełniających normy emisji Euro 6 katalizator SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) często wprowadza się do układu wydechowego roztwór mocznika (AdBlue lub DEF — Diesel Exhaust Fluid) w celu przekształcenia tlenków azotu w …
Kiedy i gdzie regenerować katalizator SCR DAF 106 ? – DPF DAF …
Regeneracja katalizatora SCR w ciężarówce DAF 106 LIFT nr 2046691 , 2188242 może być konieczna w przypadku, gdy zauważalne są objawy takie jak: Zwiększone zużycie AdBlue. Zwiększona emisja spalin. Biały dym z wydechu. Spadek mocy silnika. Komunikaty o usterkach systemu SCR na desce rozdzielczej.
Via the SCR catalyst the NOx content in the exhaust gases is converted to harmless nitrogen (N2) and water H2O. In the AMOX catalyst the excess ammonia (NH3 - ammonia slip) is also converted to nitrogen and water, after which the cleaned exhaust gases can be released into the atmosphere via a diffuser.
DAF EURO 6 SCR Emulator | EAS3/EAS4 (from year 2013-)
DAF EURO 6 SCR Emulator is the latest development of DAF SCR emulators, there are three versions, and you need to choose the right one that is compatible with your DAF EURO 6 vehicle. Keep in mind that these modules designed only for DAF EURO 6 vehicles manufactured from the year 2013- (EAS3/EAS4 series).
SCR for DAF | Dinex
In-house manufacturing and coating. Matching OE performance. Easy to install. Tested at Dinex test center. Extended lifetime and higher efficiency. 3 year warranty.
Daf Euro 6 DPFS fault and DAF CF290 SCR fault MX11 engine
2021年2月8日 · There's a solution for every Adblue problem on a DAF CF 290. Definitive elimination linked to export or emergency repair. Why can't regeneration take place? The latest generation of Euro 6 DAFs (between 2014 and 2017) are controlled by the DELPHI ETC3 engine control unit and the EAS3 exhaust aftertreatment management module.
DAF EAS4 EURO6 SCR Emulator (2018+, Adblue) - Auto …
DAF EAS4 EURO6 SCR Emulator (2018+) – Designed to entirely override the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system and stop the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) consumption.