数据采集(DAQ)系统、设备和软件 - NI - National Instruments
数据采集(daq)是测量电压、电流、温度、压力或声音等电子或物理现象的过程。 DAQ系统由传感器、DAQ测量硬件和装有LabVIEW等编程软件的计算机组成。 了解详情
Data Acquisition (DAQ) Systems, Devices & Software - NI
Data acquisition (DAQ) is the process of measuring an electrical or physical phenomenon, such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure, or sound. A DAQ system consists of sensors, DAQ measurement hardware, and a computer with programmable software such as LabVIEW.
EAGLE DAQ - Data Acquisition Boards, Software and Accessories
PCI DAQ, PC/104 DAQ, TCP/IP / Ethernet DAQ and USB DAQ Devices and Boards for Windows and Linux Operating Systems. These DAQ products include analog input, analog output, digital i/o, temperature, thermocouple, RTD, counter/timer, relay and opto-isolated digital i/o.
資料擷取 (DAQ) 系統、裝置與軟體 - NI - National Instruments
資料擷取 (DAQ) 作業可量測電子或物理現象,如電壓、電流、溫度、壓力或聲音等。 DAQ 系統包含感測器、DAQ 量測硬體,以及一台裝有 LabVIEW 這類可程式化軟體的電腦。 歡迎一同參與精彩的產品發表網路研討會,介紹我們最新的乙太網路 CompactDAQ 與 FlexLogger 的新外掛功能。 我們也將說明如何探索、安裝與自訂 GitHub 函式庫預先建立的外掛程式。 NI DAQ 系統結合諸多可擴充的優質硬體與高生產力軟體,能協助您充分發揮設計與研究效能。 需要安心保障和靈 …
数据采集(DAQ)与控制 - 研华 - Advantech
研华是设计与制造插卡式 I/O 适配卡的国际厂商,提供全系列的工业级数据采集 (DAQ) 与控制产品,这类产品广泛用于工业及实验室应用,例如: 监控、运动控制、数据采集及自动化测试。 目前提供五大类产品: PC/104、PCI 总线、ISGA 总线、USB 架构及 CompactPCI 模块。
Data Acquisition (DAQ)
Choose either a USB or Ethernet interface, and stand-alone solutions that record data to their own memory, or those that acquire data to a PC using our popular WinDaq software. View all Data Acquisition Products. Read our reviews and testimonials. Dependent upon a PC to acquire data, PC-connected instruments usually share these common traits:
数据采集 - DAQ系统指南 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
数据采集或我们经常所提到的DAQ(Data acquisition),是指把周围世界中的模拟信号量化成数字信号的过程,以便其在计算机上显示、分析与存储。 一个简单的例子就是使用传感器,如 热电偶 ,将室温转化成一个数字量的过程。
Data Acquisition Systems | Keysight
Learn how to use a data acquisition system, multi-channel switch multiplexer modules, DAQ PC application software, bidirectional DC power supplies, and various temperature sensors to monitor battery health and temperature.
PC-connected Data Acquisition - DATAQ Instruments
DATAQ Instruments offers a wide range of PC-connected data acquisition products that acquire data directly to a PC over its USB or Ethernet interface. Hardware products for any application and budget combine with included software that acquires, displays, reviews, and exports data with ease and without programming.
Data Acquisition Products for ANY Application and Budget
Data Acquisition Products. Our products deliver top performance at unbeatable prices, paired with ready-to-run WinDaq software for instant data acquisition. WinDaq also supports advanced devices with high channel counts, wide measurement ranges, and USB/Ethernet connectivity. Customize further with our provided protocol.