A collection of custom AHK scripts for Dark Age of Camelot
A collection of custom AHK scripts for Dark Age of Camelot - kenbadertscher/daoc-ahk
Hazefest's Written AHK Guide for Eden. - Eden-DAoC
2023年1月27日 · I am not a master of all things AHK, but I do enjoy sharing what I have learned with players like you. Use the Table of Contents to move around this document and take what …
Madgrim's DAoC Website - Google Sites
AutoHotKey (AHK) is an automation scripting language for Windows. It is not specifically designed for gaming (reportedly, gaming questions are strictly forbidden in the AHK...
The Ultimate AHK and Qbinds Guide for DAOC. Almost 7x Faster …
2022年11月21日 · It shows you how to download the autohotkey program, gives you a basic lesson to understand how it works, and then shows you how to integrate it into DAOC. By the end you will understand and...
daoc-ahk/Crafting Macro.ahk at main · kenbadertscher/daoc-ahk
A collection of custom AHK scripts for Dark Age of Camelot - daoc-ahk/Crafting Macro.ahk at main · kenbadertscher/daoc-ahk
Eden - AutoHotKey Basic Tutorial (2023) - YouTube
2023年1月26日 · Hazefest goes over some very basic information about AutoHotKey for DAoC. This video is best used for the Eden Freeshard Server. ...more
DAoC AutoHotKey Tutorial for Bard and Ministrel
Hazefest's Spellcasters tutorial on using AutoHotKey in Dark Age of Camelot on the Phoenix free shard server.
Madgrim's DAoC Website - Launchelot - Google Sites
Launchelot was created by Madgrim Laeknir in response to the venerable Mojo launcher being closed down. Launchelot is built using AutoHotKey (AHK) and enables you to easily manage your accounts...
An AHK script tool to automate crafting for Dark Age of Camelot
An autoclicking crafting script for Dark Age of Camelot. This script should work with any client version but has only been tested with 1.109 and higher. To use this script, you must have AHK (https://www.autohotkey.com/) installed. Press F1 to enter the Hotstring to …
AHK 2 — Header for DAoC
2023年12月29日 · How? # Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 ensures that your computer knows to start this script with the right version of AHK. # UseHook requires the script to be triggered only by the actual keyboard. This mainly means a macro cannot trigger itself or another macro by mistake.