Mounts: Overview - Dark Age of Camelot
Welcome to the Dark Age of Camelot: Darkness Rising horses, barding, and armor visual dictionary. Here, you can preview all of the mounts, barding, and armor available in the Darkness Rising Expansion, which was released on October 11, 2005.
Mounts: Epic Mounts - Dark Age of Camelot
The following horses are available in all three realms through quests. Please click on the images for a larger view. Epic Mounts: Champion Level 5 and Quests Required
Mounts: Standard and Advanced Mounts | Dark Age of Camelot
The following horses are available in all three realms. Please click on the images for a larger view.
Horses in Modern DAoC - Blogger
2017年12月20日 · This guide focuses mainly on where to get horses and saddles/ horse armor. A lot of the information currently available on the web is out of date, and I haven't seen all of this information in one place anywhere else.
Available Mounts - Eden-DAoC
2022年12月15日 · So where are the mounts that have a chance to drop a mount in all the realms located? I found the Pooka's in hib but do not know where the other 2 mounts are located in mid and alb land. Any help would be appreciated. A Dark Age of Camelot Free shard with a custom classic experience.
Eden-DAoC - Wiki
Level 20+ you can obtain a quest at the stables in the Capital city which will reward you with a horse that has hastener speed. Level 50+ you can purchase mounts with red speed (bard/skald/minstrel equivalent) from the stables in the Capital, for a very hefty price of 10 plat.
Dark Age of Camelot Horse Routes
To ride a horse, look for a stables and find the stable master. Then click on him and he will quote you the prices to ride a horse (5s). Purchase the ticket from him and it will appear in your inventory. Then when you are ready to go, pick the ticket up on your mouse and click it on the stable master and you are, literally, off and running.
*Guide to epic mounts* - The FreddysHouse Forums
2006年2月8日 · To be able to get an epic mount you have to be Champion level 5 and gat a voucher from the quater master, you will them be sent on a little quest. Start by buying a Stormhorse Voucher for 15 platinum pieces from the Quartermaster in the throne room. This begins your quest.
Mount question - DAoC Official Forums
Page 2: Sells various horses, star of destiny and weapon burnishes and can only be accessed by Veteran account CL5+ characters. Page 3: Sells additional horses including the Kelpie, Clockwork, and Arboreal vouchers and can only be accessed by …
Mounts - Armor and Barding - Dark Age of Camelot
This Gallery previews all mounts that are available to players. Please check the section 'Mounts' in the 'Beginner's Guide' to learn more about options and requirements.