DB Fahrplan, Auskunft, Tickets, informieren und buchen - Deutsche Bahn
Deutschlands beliebtestes Reise- und Mobilitätsportal: Auskunft, Bahnfahrkarten, Online-Tickets, Länder-Tickets, günstige Angebote rund um Urlaub und Reisen.
Cheap Train Tickets | Timetables for Germany & Europe - Deutsche ... - Bahn
Deutsche Bahn: int.bahn.de - Your mobility portal for travelling by rail. Information, train tickets, online tickets, regional day tickets, low-cost offers for holidays and travel.
Cheap Train Tickets | Timetables for Germany & Europe - Deutsche Bahn
Deutsche Bahn: Discover Germany and Europe by train! Here you can find all offers and timetable information as well as booking options.
Deutsche Bahn - Wikipedia
Deutsche Bahn is the second-largest transport company in Germany, after the German postal and logistics company Deutsche Post / DHL. DB provides both long-distance and regional transport, serving around 132 million long distance passengers and 1.6 billion regional passengers in 2022.
德國自由行-如何坐火車(德鐵)暢遊全德國&車票購買小秘訣 - 歐 …
德國幅員廣闊,大家來德國旅遊時,絕對想要逛逛不同的大城小鎮。除了Flixbus之外,德國鐵路Deutsche Bahn,簡稱為德鐵DB,為大家往返城市間的最佳解,也是自由行的旅客最常搜尋的關鍵字。
Deutsche Bahn
Brand-new electric trucks with trailer operation for the groupage network in Germany • Quiet and low-emission deliveries in urban areas • Highest safety and comfort standards for drivers
Tickets & offers - Bahn
Tickets & offers: Here you can find all of Deutsche Bahn's available offers, from the low-cost super saver fare valid only on the train selected to the flexible fare for travel on any permitted train. You will also find information on seat reservations, night trains and BahnCards.
Deutsche Bahn | DB train tickets, map and timetables - Trainline
Deutsche Bahn, often simply called DB, is Germany’s national rail operator. Its trains serve the length and breadth of the country. Offering both high-speed, long-distance services as well as regional routes, travelling by train with DB is a super convenient way to get around Germany.
【德国交通】德国国铁火车(DB)攻略(含长途快车/区间慢车/夜车 …
2024年7月1日 · 德国国铁火车(Deutsche Bahn),简称DB,分成不同车种,主要分成 长途快车(ICE/IC/EC)、区间慢车(IRE/RE/RB/S)、夜车(NZ/UEx/EN/D/CNL)。 DB还有分「头等舱」和「二等舱」:头等舱座位是一排三个位置,使用皮椅,有免费的插座及WIFI可使用;一般舱(二等舱),一 ...
Internationale Fahrten - Deutsche Bahn
Erkunden Sie Europa bequem mit dem Zug - per Europa Sparpreis, Interrail, Nachtzug oder mit dem Swiss Travel Pass.