Belyayev DB-LK - Wikipedia
The DB-LK (Dahl'niy Bombardirovshchik-LK – long-range bomber–flying wing) was a bomber aircraft designed and built in the USSR in 1939. Viktor Nikolayevich Belyayev had an illustrious early career with TsAGI, AVIAVnito, Aeroflot, OMOS, AGOS, KOSOS and the Tupolev OKB.
Belyayev DB-LK - Plane-Encyclopedia
In 1938, he designed the DB-LK long-range flying wing bomber, which the TsAGl approved and ordered the construction of a fully operational prototype. The prototype was built the following year by factory No.156 and by November 1939 it was ready for testing. The DB-LK had an unusual overall design with no classical fuselage.
苏联版双身恶魔,别利亚耶夫DB-LK远程轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年6月5日 · db-lk是一种轰炸机,原本打算将它设计成一种客运飞机,1938年时改为高速远程轰炸机,原型机在1940年交到苏联空军研究所进行测试,一时引起众人的兴趣。
双头怪机专题 · 5篇 - 哔哩哔哩
很快使得db-lk成型了。 这是一架采用了蝴蝶状弹性机翼的双身飞机,俯视来看是一个倒三角,地面上看又似一只蝙蝠。 从两台450马力m78B发动机一直到机尾的锥形观察仓,机身占去了整机长的全部,而水平尾翼为了躲开观察舱被置于机尾高处成为了“T”字尾 ...
特种武器:二战苏联经典轰炸机 - 豆瓣读书
2015年4月1日 · 本书参考大量历史资料,从专业的角度,历数二战时期红色帝国DB-LK、SB-2、TB-3、K-7、DB-A等经典轰炸机型号的发展始末,解读隐藏在这些曾经留下赫赫威名的装备背后的故事,让读者了解那些即将消失在时间长河中的遗憾。 指文图书 特种武器 (共4册), 这套丛书还有 《特种武器》《特种武器:苏联特种装甲力量拾遗》《特种武器:冷战中的航空器》 。
Belyaev DB-LK - airpages.ru
DB-LK (long-range bomber - flying wing) - experimental, tailless military aircraft - bomber, reconnaissance and artillery spotter. Approaching the "flying wing" according to the scheme, the aircraft was of interest for creating a high-speed high-altitude rocket aircraft in the future.
Belyayev DB-LK - Wikiwand
The DB-LK (Dahl'niy Bombardirovshchik-LK – long-range bomber–flying wing) was a bomber aircraft designed and built in the USSR in 1939.
Belyayev DB LK - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年9月30日 · The DB-LK (Dahl'niy Bombardirovshchik-LK – long-range bomber–flying wing) was a bomber aircraft designed and built in the USSR in 1939. Viktor Nikolayevich Belyayev had an illustrious early career with TsAGI, AVIAVnito, …
The Belyaev DB-LK; How Many Ideas Can a Designer Sandwich …
2021年6月7日 · An attempt to develop a high-performance aircraft, the Belyaev DB-LK was an innovative design that ultimately proved unsuccessful. With its name in English meaning “long-range bomber–flying wing,” the aircraft’s designer, Viktor Belyaev, worked on several Tupolev heavy bombers during the 1930s.
苏联版双身恶魔,别利亚耶夫DB-LK远程轰炸机 - 新浪看点
2022年6月6日 · db-lk是一种轰炸机,原本打算将它设计成一种客运飞机,1938年时改为高速远程轰炸机,原型机在1940年交到苏联空军研究所进行测试,一时引起众人的兴趣。
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