Ourivesaria Brasil - Joalharia | Angra do Heroísmo
Estimado cliente, amigo e visitante, é com enorme prazer que anunciámos 50 anos de existência. Sempre visamos o bom atendimento e simpatia para com aqueles que nos visitam, servindo …
Are the latest db380 pistols reliable? - diamondbackforum.com
2020年7月15日 · Re: Are the latest db380 pistols reliable? « Reply #32 on: July 20, 2015, 07:53:36 PM » From my latest experience with Diamondback and with their warranty service, …
My first time shooting the DB380 - diamondbackforum.com
2016年2月2日 · My DB380 arrived yesterday after my ordering it two weeks ago. The pistol is a generation 2 manufactured in September 2015. When I got it home from the gun shop, I broke …
Author Topic: customer service (Read 4845 times)
2019年12月13日 · Been away from this forum for a looooong time now and want to catch up on the latest customer service information. I have one of the older DB380's that I purchased in …
DB9 back from repairs today and going right back!!!
2014年10月23日 · POPB935740, I did that to my DB380 about 3 months after I bought it in Nov. 2010. I got the same results with my DB380 as you did with your DB9.
Get Inspired, People!
2021年1月15日 · The Diamondback Forum is pretty slack lately. I hate to beg for your input and experiences, but will. I'm pretty much thinking all is so "well" with DB's products that nobody …
DB9 FS epic fail - diamondbackforum.com
2016年4月1日 · EAA SAR k2p 9mm Taurus pt911 g2 9mm Diamondback db380sl Sig Sauer P250 9mm full size
Author Topic: Warranty Service (Read 13949 times)
2021年4月5日 · First off M8 we would be more understanding , if it wasn't a across the board problem. and they made some attempt to fix the problem. but now with no improvement after 5 …
Light primer strikes.
2015年12月5日 · Light primer strikes. image.jpg (45.67 kB . 700x525 - viewed 1556 times) On the last outing there were three light primer strikes on each of three different rounds.
My Para Ordnance P-10 used to print low
2016年2月13日 · nothing wrong with that man i generally carry one of my 1911's but if i get a wild hair or feel like showing out ill wear the coonan out and usually i go everywhere with either my …