Jwan's DBC Essentials - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
JDE is a Dragon Block C Addon Mod made to enhance your game. This is the latest and improved generation of JDAM. This can be used in both Singleplayer and Servers! Here's …
Dragon Block C Additions - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Dragon Block C Additions is a Dragon Block C Addon whose aim is to make the Dragon Block C experience more immersive and complete. CustomNPCS+ DBC Addon - If npcdbc is installed, …
CNPC+ DBC Addon - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
CNPC+ DBC Addon is a Minecraft mod, that gives compatibility between DBC (+ Core Mods) and CustomNPC+ on 1.7.10. You must use a MIXIN Mod to support this (UniMixins).
Kasai Dragon Block C – JinGames
2018年7月20日 · Due to the current state and limitations of the Dragon Block C mod, there are limitations to what I can do. To help overcome these issues I have created 10 Add On’s for my texture pack! Add On’s replace some textures with new …
MC龙珠模组自定义形态教程 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年11月8日 · 首先拿出自定义NPC魔杖右键生成NPC,打开全局设置. 右下角就会有三个按钮,分别是形态,气焰,气轮廓. 打开形态,点击添加来增加新的形态. 然后点击刚刚创建的形态再点右边的编辑按键. 一般界面的一图介绍. 外形设置一图介绍. 形态等级部分我就挑大家感兴趣的部分. 然后就是可叠加了,此处具体就是是否可以和超赛或黄金弗利萨这些DBC形态叠加,以及自我极意,自在极意这些叠加,还有界王拳,界王拳可以设置不同倍数的叠加增幅.
CNPC+ DBC Addon - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD百科
CNPC+ DBC Addon 模组为 DBC龙珠模组 增加了新的内容。 必须使用 Mixin 模组来运行此模组,例如 UniMixins 或 GTNH Mixins (推荐 UniMixins)。 以及安装 自定义NPC+ 模组,还必须安装 DBC 及其前置模组:JRBAClient、JRMCCore 和 Dragon Block C,其中 CNPC+ 版本必须为 1.9.3+。 新的状态效果。 要使用 CNPC+ DBC Addon,需使用 CNPC 魔杖并打开菜单以创建自定义形态和气焰。 所有游戏功能都可以在 CustomNpcs Config 文件夹中找到,它们将在连接到 …
Dragon Block C – JinGames
2010年1月7日 · An old Dragon Ball, Z, Super, GT Anime Minecraft mod. This mod is still in development! AND MORE… Q: Will the mod be updated to a newer Forge version? A: Maybe, but not yet. Full answer can be found here: https://main.jingames.net/faq/#updatedforge. Other Questions and Answers can be found on our FAQ at https://main.jingames.net/faq/
HavenCore's DBC Custom Transformations - CurseForge
HavenCore is an add-on to the Dragon Block C mod which provides the ability for you to create, customize, and add your very own transformations to the game! You can have up to 6 different forms with each currently allowing you to set their Multipliers, Drains/Regeneration, Defense, Body Type and Colors, Eye Colors, Aura and Lightning, etc.
GitHub - KAMKEEL/CustomNPC-DBC-Addon: DBC Support for …
This mod is an addon mod to CustomNPC+. It requires DBC, JRMCore, JBRAClient, and CustomNPC+ to be installed alongside it. It also requires a Mixin Mod like UniMixins.
DBC Extended Saga. (With Super Saga) – JinGames
2017年9月2日 · I would like you to add the saga of the power tournament or a personalized saga like the saga of the angels