BorgWarner Launches Electric Torque Vectoring and Disconnect
2024年5月4日 · BorgWarner is first-to-market with its electric Torque Vectoring and Disconnect (eTVD) system for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) with launches for Polestar and an additional major European OEM.
BorgWarner Supplies Polestar BEV SUVs with Electric Torque …
Auburn Hills, Michigan, May 2, 2024 – BorgWarner is first-to-market with its electric Torque Vectoring and Disconnect (eTVD) system for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) with launches for Polestar and an additional major European OEM. The eTVD is part of BorgWarner’s electric torque management system (eTMS) solutions portfolio, which is ...
2024年5月2日 · eTVD是博格华纳电动扭矩管理系统(eTMS)解决方案组合的一部分,旨在智能控制轮端扭矩以提高稳定性,提供卓越的动态性能,并在启动和加速过程中提高牵引力。
博格华纳电气化产品全面布局、成果丰硕 - 懂车帝
2023年4月24日 · dbs的etvd——扭矩矢量双离合器系统组成 关于电动汽车电池系统,他进一步介绍:“我们的电池系列是来自收购的德国AKASOL AG。 国外很多客户都在选用我们的商用车电池。
Electric Torque Vectoring for battery electric vehicles
The eTVD is part of BorgWarner’s electric torque management system (eTMS) solutions portfolio, which is designed to intelligently control wheel torque to increase stability, provide superior dynamic performance, and improve traction during launch and acceleration.
BorgWarner’s eTVD System Takes EV Performance to New Heights
2024年5月24日 · BorgWarner, a global leader in transformative automotive innovation spanning over 130 years, has introduced its latest breakthrough, the Electric Torque Vectoring and Disconnect (eTVD) system. This fancy tech is designed to make electric cars perform better.
BorgWarner supplies Polestar with electric torque vectoring and ...
BorgWarner has introduced its first-to-market electric Torque Vectoring and Disconnect (eTVD) system for battery electric vehicles (BEVs). The eTVD system, currently in production on the Polestar 3 SUV, is part of BorgWarner’s electric torque …
BorgWarner to Market Its eTVD System for BEVs to Polestar
2024年5月8日 · BorgWarner’s supreme eTVD provides a 3-in-1 system. It replaces the differential and features both torque vectoring and an on-demand disconnect function. The torque vectoring system is also in contrast to the brake-based system, …
ボルグワーナー、ポールスターへBEV用トルク制御機構 | NEXT …
2024年5月3日 · ボルグワーナーは5月2日( 米国ミシガン州オーバーンヒルズ発 )、BEV用の電動トルクベクタリングおよびディスコネクト( eTVD / 2WD走行時に不要になる駆動系を切り離す機構 )システムを初めて市場に投入し、ポールスター(Polestar)を筆頭とする欧州 ...
BorgWarner Equips Polestar BEV SUVs with E-Torque Vectoring
2024年5月7日 · With the introduction of its electronic Torque Vectoring and Disconnect (eTVD) system for battery electric cars (BEVs) for Polestar and another significant European OEM, BorgWarner claims to be first to market with this technology.