Aerodynamic's freeware DC10 - Microsoft Flight Simulator …
2024年11月3日 · We have high quality freeware Airbuses from Flybywire and now this great looking/featured simulation from Aerodynamics in development. Amazing dedication to the hobby. Aero-dynamic's DC10. Cheers. Steve Hall. Posted November 3, 2024.
Aero Dynamics: Freeware DC-10 Project Releases New …
2024年3月4日 · The KC-10/DC-10 project is a freeware development project being worked on by a group of dedicated volunteers to bring a high-quality, study-level rendition of the Douglas DC-10 Jetliner for MSFS. The tentative release schedule for this project is to release the KC-10 Air-to-Air Refueling Tanker first, followed by the DC-10 Freighter, and ...
Aero Dynamics 分享新 DC-10 进展更新 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年11月3日 · Aero Dynamics 的 DC-10 将配备 Collins AINS-70 区域导航系统,这是纯惯性系统和较新的 FMC 的混合体。 该系统严重依赖 RNAV,但如果在没有导航设备的区域飞行,则需要惯性系统或航位推算。
Aero Dynamics DC-10 / KC-10 for MSFS - Aircraft - Microsoft …
2021年11月7日 · An early look into the Aero Dynamics KC-10 / DC-10 for MSFS - MSFS Addons. An ambitious freeware project to bring a study-level KC-10 and DC-10 to Microsoft Flight Simulator.
DC-10 (FSX Port) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
2024年3月12日 · Fly the iconic DC-10 in Microsoft Flight Simulator with this FSX port, featuring various liveries and models including DC-10-10, DC-10-15, DC-10-30, and more. Please note some known bugs related to cockpit controls, engine sound, and model inconsistencies. For additional liveries, check out the provided link.
- 评论数: 13
用于 MSFS 进度更新的 Aero Dynamics DC-10/KC-10 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年3月11日 · McDonnell Douglas DC-10 可以说是二十世纪最知名的三引擎飞机之一。 该飞机在市场上被宣传为提供与波音 747 相同的舒适度,同时允许航空公司为无法容纳波音 747 尺寸的机场提供服务。
Microsoft Flight Simulator Free McDonnell Douglas DC-10 Gets ...
2024年11月1日 · Today Aero Dynamics released new screenshots and a development update about its upcoming McDonnell Douglas DC-10 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The aircraft, which will come alongside its military version KC-10 Extender, will be made available for everyone for free, albeit we don’t yet have a release date.
An update on the Aero Dynamics KC/DC-10 for Microsoft ... - MSFS …
2023年7月15日 · Aero Dynamics, the dedicated team of enthusiasts behind the very promising freeware KC-10 and DC-10 for Microsoft Flight Simulator, is back with another development update of what they claim will be “the most authentic …
Aero Dynamics Publishes New DC-10 for MSFS Dev Update
2024年11月11日 · Aero Dynamics took to their Discord server to release a new development update divulging new details about their work-in-progress rendition of the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The new details share more about the aircraft’s many systems, navigation system, and their new in-house livery for the DC-10.
Aero Dynamics reveals exciting progress in KC-10/DC-10 ... - MSFS …
2024年3月1日 · In the latest development update from Aero Dynamics, the team behind the highly anticipated freeware KC-10/DC-10 for Microsoft Flight Simulator, significant advancements have been revealed in the now long-winded development of this iconic aircraft.