Basler BT-67 - Wikipedia
It is a remanufactured and modified Douglas C-47 Skytrain / Douglas DC-3; the modifications are designed to significantly extend the DC-3's serviceable lifetime.
Before & After, The Polair Tri-Trubo DC-3 - Douglas DC-3
This Polair Tri Turbo DC-3 (of Santa Barbara) was powered by three Pratt & Whitney PT6A-45A turbo prop engines and used five bladed Hartzell propellers. The Aircraft made it's first flight on 2nd November 1977 and in 1979 it attended the Paris Airshow. It was once leased to the US Navy serving in Fort Barrow, Alaska and was fitted with ski's.
他山之石可以攻玉——八十岁的老将DC-3_涡桨 - 搜狐
2019年12月6日 · 该公司提供三种主要改装型号,分别是bsas dc3/c-47-65artp、-67rtp和-67ftp,可以看出就是使用了不同型号的普惠pt6a涡桨发动机,其中-65ar是1173马力,-67r是1220马力,-67f是1700马力。到目前为止,该公司已经为南非空军和民用客户改装了超过50架涡桨dc-3。 …
Douglas DC-3 Conversion Details - Preferred Turbine-3
The Preferred Turbine -3 conversion consists of many improvements to the operational safety, reliability and usefulness of the DC3/C47 aircraft. The original radial engines are replaced with Pratt and Whitney PT6A-65AR or -67R turbine engines.
Douglas DC-3 Specifications - Preferred Turbine-3
PT6A-65AR or -67R engines (1424 SHP de-rated to 1230 SHP) 6000 Hour TBO ; The cowling is easily Removable for Maintenance; Power Quadrant set up for the PT6 ; Propellers: Hartzell 5 Blade Full Feathering and Reversible; Electric Heated De-ice Boots; Polished Spinners; Flight Controls: Balanced Ailerons; Geared Rudder with Servo Tab
Douglas DC-3 Airplane Conversion | Preferred Turbine-3
History shows the Douglas DC-3 to be one of the greatest airplanes of all time. The Preferred Turbine -3 conversion takes this great airplane and makes it even better.
一种时速接近160英里,可载21名乘客的新型客机“ 道格拉斯DC-3 型”首次试航。 该机在DC-2型客机的基础上,机身加大,增加了运载能力,打破了多种客机飞行速度和载货纪录。 DC-3装配有2台900马力的柯蒂斯-赖特引擎,大大超过了DC-2型引擎的功率。 按 美国航空公司 最初的要求,DC-3型客机应配有14张床位,为的是同铁路上的普尔门式火车卧车服务进行竞争,但是其他航空公司则要求DC-3型上配有21个座位。 美国航空公司董事长C·R·史密斯说:“DC-3是第一架依靠运 …
Basler BT-67 (DC3T) - Kenn Borek Air
The Basler BT-67 is a multi purpose aircraft based on completely overhauled and significantly modified Douglas DC-3 airframe. The modifications completed by Basler Turbo Conversions includes the installation of PT6A turboprop engines, fuselage lengthening, airframe strengthening and modernized avionics.
DC-3T / BT-67 - GlobalSecurity.org
2016年10月17日 · The BT-67 (tail number C-FBKB) is a reconstructed 1943 DC-3 with enhanced 12-hr endurance and payload capability allowing the airplane to mobilize to survey locations carrying the sensors, data...
Douglas DC-3 Dakota - Skytamer.com
The Douglas DC-3 is an American fixed-wing propeller-driven airliner, the speed and range of which revolutionized air transport in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Its lasting impact on the airline industry and World War II makes it one of the most significant transport aircraft ever made.