Douglas DC-4 - Wikipedia
The Douglas DC-4 is an American four-engined (piston), propeller-driven airliner developed by the Douglas Aircraft Company. Military versions of the plane, the C-54 and R5D, served during World War II, in the Berlin Airlift and into the 1960s. From 1945, many civil …
Douglas DC-4 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Douglas DC-4 was designed and produced by the Douglas Aircraft Company after the DC-3. Unlike its predecessor, it was a four-engine aircraft with tricycle undercarriage introduced in 1942 with United Airlines.
道格拉斯DC-4 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
道格拉斯dc-4是道格拉斯飛機公司研發的四發動機螺旋槳飛機,其軍用型c-54運輸機在第二次世界大戰期間廣泛地使用。 二戰結束後,一部分C-54改裝回民航客機投入民間市場,其優良的設計成為後來 DC-6 及 DC-7 的設計基礎。
麦道DC-4 - 百度百科
道格拉斯DC-4是四发动机螺旋桨客机,于 第二次世界大战 期间广泛地使用,战争结束后改为民航飞机,最多可载89名乘客,其优良的设计成为后来 DC-6 及 DC-7 的设计基础 [1]。 1935年在源自一项 美国联合航空公司 的要求设计。 其目标是开发一个DC的更大,更先进的机型以替代DC- 3。 这项计划引起其他航空公司足够的兴趣,美国航空公司,东方航空公司,泛美航空公司和环球航空公司(加权平均值)等冲着联合国提供10000元开发新飞机的费用而来。 泛美和TWA后来撤 …
Douglas DC-4: How The Early Four-Engine Propeller Aircraft ...
2024年1月9日 · The Douglas DC-4 is a four-engine piston aircraft designed and developed by Douglas Aircraft Company in the late 1930s. The 22- to 48-passenger aircraft performed its first flight in February 1942 with United Airlines. The manufacturer built 80 examples of the DC-4 and over 1,150 of the military variants (C-54 and R5D).
Douglas DC-4, DC-6, & DC-7 - AirVectors
It was a low-wing aircraft, made mostly of aircraft aluminum alloy, with a triple-fin tail; power-boosted controls; four radial engines; and tricycle landing gear, at the time an innovation. Length was 29.74 meters (97 feet 7 inches), wingspan was 42.14 meters (138 feet 3 inches), and empty weight was 19,305 kilograms (42,565 pounds).
Douglas DC-4 - Airliners.net
Total DC-4 production comprised one DC-4E, 78 commercial DC-4s, 1162 military C54 Skymasters and 42 Canadair developed Merlin powered derivatives. Almost 80 remain in commercial service, most as freighters.
Douglas DC-4 (C-54) - Specifications - Technical Data / Description
The Douglas DC-4 is a four-engine long-range Airliner with a capacity of maximum 50 passengers and a military utility transport aircraft produced by the US-American manufacturer Douglas Aircraft Company. The military main-variant was the C-54 Skymaster. Only 79 civil DC-4 have been produced by Douglas.
Reliable Propeller: 80 Years Of The Douglas DC-4 - Simple Flying
2022年2月25日 · This month marked the 80th anniversary of the Douglas DC-4’s first flight. The legendary four-engine piston aircraft would prove to be a valuable model in both civil and military operations following its introduction in 1942. Another DC evolution The propeller conducted its first flight on February 14th, 1942.
Douglas DC-4 Skymaster - Ruud Leeuw
The DC-4 saw worldwide use with scheduled and non-scheduled operators. But originally it was intended to be used on the US domestic routes. The DC-3 had to make 3 stops en route from New York to Los Angeles, while the DC-4 needed only one.