Douglas DC-8 - Wikipedia
The Douglas DC-8 (sometimes McDonnell Douglas DC-8) is an early long-range narrow-body jetliner designed and produced by the American Douglas Aircraft Company. Work began in 1952 towards the United States Air Force's (USAF) requirement for …
麦道DC-8 - 百度百科
DC-8是 道格拉斯公司 的首款喷气式飞机,在1952年为了竞争 美国空军 的空中加油机项目开始研制,与波音竞争。 波音 发展出了 波音707,而 道格拉斯 则制造出了DC-8。 道格拉斯 在1955年确定了DC-8的研制,启动用户一般认为是 泛美航空公司,也有资料认为是 国民航空公司。 DC-8在1958年5月30日首飞,1959年9月18日投入商业运营。 [2] 1960年代初,美国空军提出 战略运输机 计划,要求制造一架能够运载750名士兵或者两辆坦克飞越大西洋的巨型运输机。 波音在竞标 …
McDonnell Douglas DC-8-73 - Aero Corner
The McDonnell Douglas DC-8-73 is one of the variants of the magnificent DC-8 narrow-body airliner built by the Douglas Aircraft Company. It was a straightforward conversion of the -60 series powered by CFM56-2 turbofan engines.
A Rare Breed: Which Douglas DC-8s Are Still Active Today?
2022年10月1日 · One of these classic quadjets is a DC-8-73 (CF) that bears the complex registration OB-2158P. It initially entered service with Transamerica Airlines in April 1970, making it an impressive 51.86 years old. Interestingly, the narrowbody was initially a DC-8-63 (CF), before undergoing a conversion (while still at Transamerica) in December 1984.
Douglas DC-8-60/70 - Airliners.net
DC-8-63/73 - Wing span 45.23m (148ft 5in), length 57.12m (187ft 5in), height 12.92m (45ft 5in). Wing area 271.9m2 (2927sq ft). Flightcrew of three. Max seating capacity 259 or standard seating for between 180 and 220 in Series 61, 63, 71 & 73. Super 62 & 72 standard seating for 189.
道格拉斯DC-8 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
道格拉斯DC-8,或称 麦克唐纳·道格拉斯DC-8,是美國 道格拉斯 公司研製的四發動機大型 噴氣式客機,1955年6月開始設計,1958年開始生產。 DC-8是1950年代 波音707 的最大竞争對手。 DC-8於1972年停產,被更大的 DC-10 所取代。 現時僅有的DC-8,多數都被改為貨機。 由于DC-8-60系列和-70系列可运载的货物量较波音707稍多,仍有极少数更换引擎后的DC-8-60/-70在部分第三世界国家使用,而大多数国家的DC-8与波音707都因为高耗油和重污染等问题于2000年左 …
OB-2231-P Skybus Jet Cargo Douglas DC-8-73(F) - Planespotters.net
2025年2月4日 · Douglas DC-8-73(F) with registration OB-2231-P (ex CF-TIS, C-FTIS, N805DH, N805SJ) airframe details and operator history including first flight and delivery dates, seat configurations, engines, fleet numbers and names
Douglas DC-8 Aircraft History Pictures and Facts - Aviation Explorer
Donald Douglas provided $450 million towards it out of his own pocket. The DC-8 was officially announced in July 1955. Four versions were offered to begin with, all based on the same 150 ft 6 in (45.9 m) long airframe with a 141 ft 1 in (43 m) wingspan, but varying in engines and fuel capacity, and with maximum weights between 120 and 130 tons.
DC-8DC-8系列主要型号 - 百度知道
2024年6月30日 · DC-8系列是美国早期的一款重要客机系列,其主要型号包括了DC-8-10至DC-8-73。 以下是各个型号的特点和生产情况: DC-8-10于1958年出厂,配备了4台JT3C-6发动机,单台推力60千牛,主要用于美国本土市场。 DC-8-11和DC-8-12则是对机翼和设备进行改良。 DC-8-10型可载客176人,起飞总载重123吨,共生产28架。 DC-8-20型在1958年11月首飞,搭载4台JT4A-3发动机,推力提升至70.28千牛,起飞载重增加至125吨,共生产34架。 DC-8-30系列 …
Douglas DC-8-73 - FlightGear wiki
The Douglas DC-8 was the first entry into the commercial jet airliner market fielded by Douglas Aircraft. It is a 4 engine model. The 70 series variants, also known as the "super 70's", are "super 60's" airframes upgraded with CFM56 engines. These represent the versions with the greatest range, fuel efficiency, take off weight, and least noise.