I Was There: When the DC-8 Went Supersonic | Smithsonian
The aircraft exceeded Mach 1—the only intentional supersonic flight by an airliner other than the Concorde and the Tu-144. Bill Wasserzieher interviewed Richard Edwards in May 2007.
Douglas DC-8 - Wikipedia
On August 21, 1961, a DC-8 broke the sound barrier at Mach 1.012 (660 mph/1,062 km/h) while in a controlled dive through 41,000 feet (12,497 m) and maintained that speed for 16 seconds.
道格拉斯DC-8 / Douglas DC-8(第一部分:概述、发展历程)- 辽 …
道格拉斯DC-8,或称 麦克唐纳·道格拉斯DC-8,是美国 道格拉斯 公司研制的四发动机大型 喷气式客机,1955年6月开始设计,1958年开始生产。 DC-8于1972年停产,被更大的 DC-10 所取 …
How Quick Thinking Saved the First Airliner to Break the Sound …
2022年1月31日 · DC-8 no. N9604Z was the first airliner to exceed Mach 1, but not the last. The Concorde and Tu-144 made supersonic passenger flight seem routine (at least, until a series …
Throwback: When A Douglas DC-8 Broke The Sound Barrier In 1961
2023年12月22日 · As the aircraft dived at around 45,000 feet, it passed Mach 1.0 for about 16 seconds before recovering to level flight. The record would remain unbroken until June 5th, …
21 August 1961 - This Day in Aviation
2024年8月21日 · Placing the DC-8 into a dive, it reached Mach 1.012 (668 miles per hour/1,075 kilometers per hour) while descending through 41,088 feet (12,524 meters). The airliner …
Douglas DC-8-43 | This Day in Aviation
2024年8月21日 · Placing the DC-8 into a dive, it reached Mach 1.012 (668 miles per hour/1,075 kilometers per hour) while descending through 41,088 feet (12,524 meters). The airliner …
The Story of The Supersonic DC-8 - Avgeekery.com
2024年7月27日 · Douglas was competing with Boeing in the civil jet airliner market, pitting the DC-8 against the 707. During testing, the DC-8 had achieved .97 Mach and Magruder figured they …
Vintage Quadjet: 5 Fun Facts About The Douglas DC-8 - Simple …
2024年1月12日 · The Douglas DC-8 showcased significant advantages in its specifications, being the first commercial jet to reach Mach 1.0 and break the sound barrier during a test flight in …
N9604Z | This Day in Aviation
2024年8月21日 · Placing the DC-8 into a dive, it reached Mach 1.012 (668 miles per hour/1,075 kilometers per hour) while descending through 41,088 feet (12,524 meters). The airliner …