Douglas DC-8 - Wikipedia
The Douglas DC-8 (sometimes McDonnell Douglas DC-8) is an early long-range narrow-body jetliner designed and produced by the American Douglas Aircraft Company. Work began in …
道格拉斯DC-8 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
道格拉斯DC-8,或称 麦克唐纳·道格拉斯DC-8,是美國 道格拉斯 公司研製的四發動機大型 噴氣式客機,1955年6月開始設計,1958年開始生產。 DC-8是1950年代 波音707 的最大竞争對手。 …
道格拉斯DC-8 / Douglas DC-8(第一部分:概述、发展历程)- 辽 …
道格拉斯DC-8,或称 麦克唐纳·道格拉斯DC-8,是美国 道格拉斯 公司研制的四发动机大型 喷气式客机,1955年6月开始设计,1958年开始生产。 DC-8于1972年停产,被更大的 DC-10 所取 …
第一代大型中远程喷气客机之“先驱” - 知乎
DC-8是民航历史上第一代喷气式客机之一,动力采用喷气发动机、主翼采用后掠式机翼。 上图为 瑞士航空子公司Balair DC-8-55 1976. DC-8于1972年停产,被更大的DC-10所取代。
Douglas DC-8-55CF performance | aircraft investigation info
Douglas built three cargo versions, the -54AF (All Freighter) for United, the -54CF and -55CF (Convertible Freighter) all equipped with JT3D-3 turbofans of 8165kg of thrust. They have a …
Douglas DC-8-55CF performance - aircraft investigation
Douglas built three cargo versions, the -54AF (All Freighter) for United, the -54CF and -55CF (Convertible Freighter) all equipped with JT3D-3 turbofans of 8165kg of thrust. They have a …
AirHistory.net - Douglas DC-8-55 aircraft photos
On 31st March 1988 it suffered an engine fire whilst taking off from Cairo and was destroyed when it crashed at the end of the runway; tragically the 4 crew were killed. Purchased in July …
Douglas DC-8 - Specifications - Technical Data / Description
The Douglas DC-8 is a four-engine long-range Jet Airliner with a capacity of maximum 259 passengers produced by the US-American manufacturer Douglas Aircraft Company.
Douglas DC-8-55 aviation photos on JetPhotos
Used by Scanair in the 1970s, sold as N721UA 1979. Taken over by ONA as N916R 1980. Leased by Icelandair 1982, and became TF-FLB. On finals to rwy 24, (crossing over …
JA8017 | Douglas DC-8-55 | Japan Airlines (JAL) - JetPhotos
2024年10月28日 · Douglas DC-8-55. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!