McDonnell Douglas DC-9 - Wikipedia
The McDonnell Douglas DC-9 is an American five-abreast, single-aisle aircraft designed by the Douglas Aircraft Company. It was initially produced as the Douglas DC-9 prior to August 1967, …
McDonnell Douglas DC-9-20 - Aero Corner
The McDonnell Douglas DC-9-20 was developed to meet the demand for enhanced short field capability by the use of more efficient engines and enhanced wings of the Series 30, in …
DC-9型飞机,是由道格拉斯飞机公司(后来合并为麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司)在1960年代研发的双发涡扇中型中短程窄体民航客机。 当时民航机市场需要一种低噪音中型客机来满足适于在小 …
麦道DC-9 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
麦道DC-9 (初名 道格拉斯DC-9)是 道格拉斯公司 在1960年代研发出来的双涡轮引擎民航机,是为了与 波音727 抗衡而制造的,短 航程 、单层、单走道,并成为公司销售明星,售出数百架 …
麥道DC-9 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
DC-9-20:高温高原型,融合了DC-9-30的机翼和DC-9-10的短机身。 DC-9-30:加长型,换装更大功率发动机,安装大升力设备。 DC-9-30CF:客货型运输机,无货舱门,用于运载小型包裹。 …
横贯航史—DC-9一家 - 哔哩哔哩
斯堪的纳维亚航空dc-9-21. 20系列全部选装搭载jt9d-11(67kn)发动机,基础mtow为94500磅,但因斯堪的纳维亚航空特别慷慨,选装到了98000磅,飞机基础的最大有效载荷航程达到了1000 …
McDonnell Douglas DC-9-20 Technical data - Ultimate Specs
McDonnell Douglas DC-9-20 Performance: Cruise speed: 440 knots / 506 mph / 815 km/h: Approach Speed: 220 knots / 253 mph / 407 km/h: Landing Speed: 127 knots / 146 mph / 235 …
McDonnell Douglas DC-9-10/20/30 - Airliners.net
The DC-9-20 featured the DC-9-10's fuselage with the 30's more powerful engines and longer span wings, giving better hot and high performance. The DC-9-15 was basically a -10 but with …
DOUGLAS DC-9-20 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Designed to satisfy a request for improved short field performance by using the more powerful engines and improved wings of the -30 combined with the shorter fuselage used in the -10. …