DCA Cancer Dosages
Currently the safest dosage should be between 10-20mg per kilogram per day (20mg/kg/day), with the exception of brain cancer which has a maximum dosage of 12mg per kilogram per day (12mg/kg/day). Daily dosage of DCA can be divided into …
DCA dosage and usage (Quick guide)
Recommended DCA daily dose is 20 mg/kg daily (milligrams per human body kilogram per day). Calculation of dosage for a particular person is simple: just multiply your weight by 20 mg/kg and you will get daily DCA dose in milligrams.
二氯乙酸盐 DCA 抗癌指南:最早被发现的代谢抗癌药物 - 知乎
推荐的DCA 每日剂量为每天20 mg / kg (每人每天毫克毫克)。 计算特定人的剂量很简单:只需将体重乘以20 mg / kg ,您将获得以毫克为单位的每日DCA 剂量。
Dichloroacetate (DCA): An Accessible Drug to Fight Cancer
2017年1月1日 · Oral dichloroacetate sodium (DCA) is currently under investigation as a single agent and as an adjuvant for treatment of various cancers. One of the factors limiting its clinical use in a continuous oral regimen is a doserelated, reversible neurotoxicity, including peripheral neuropathy and encephalopathy.
Sodium dichloroacetate (二氯乙酸钠) - 仅供科研 | PDHK 抑制剂
Sodium dichloroacetate 是癌细胞线粒体中的一种代谢调节剂,具有抗癌活性。 Sodium dichloroacetate 抑制丙酮酸脱氢酶激酶 (PDHK),从而导致肿瘤微环境中的乳酸减少。 Sodium dichloroacetate 增加活性氧 (ROS) 的产生并促进癌细胞凋亡,还可作为 NKCC 抑制剂。 * Please select Quantity before adding items. • Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2022 Sep 1;7 (1):303. [Abstract] • Cell Death Differ. 2024 Nov 5. [Abstract]
DCA dosage and usage (Long guide)
Normally, the recommended DCA dose is 15-25 mg/kg because it is effective and well tolerated. If you have an aggressive cancer form or it is in a more progressed stage, you can try using higher DCA doses. Adjust your dose size depending on your condition and the intensity of your adverse reactions if you experience them.
Deoxycholic acid (Cholanoic Acid,去氧胆酸) - 仅供科研 | 胆汁酸 …
Deoxycholic acid (DCA) (100 μM) 诱导胃癌细胞系 MGC803 产生对酸化胆汁酸具有抗性并增强其在胆汁酸应激下的存活和增殖活性 。 与正常MGC803细胞相比,Deoxycholic acid (DCA, 100 μM) 诱导的耐药细胞形态发生改变,端粒酶活性显著升高,细胞活力增强,凋亡减少 [2] 。
DCA (Sodium dichloroacetate) | 二氯乙酸钠 | Dehydrogenase 抑制 …
DCA (Sodium dichloroacetate)是 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) 的特异性抑制剂,对PDK2和PDK4的IC50值分别为183和80 μM;可抑制 Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter 和线粒体钾离子通道轴。 Sodium dichloroacetate 可增加活性氧的生成,引起癌细胞凋亡,并抑制肿瘤生长。 DCA (Sodium dichloroacetate)是 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) 的特异性抑制剂,对PDK2和PDK4的IC50值分别为183和80 μM;可抑制 Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter 和线粒体钾离子通道 …
Recommended Daily Dose is 750mg (2 capsules). Pure Thiamine is available in both Capsules and Powder here: DCA can be taken alone or with other cancer treatments (conventional treatments or alternative treatments). DCA has been shown to improve the success of Chemotherapy Treatments.
DCA Dosage - The DCA Site - Updating You on DCA and Cancer ...
How Often Should DCA be Taken? Our recommendation is once or twice a day. Split the dosage and take half in the morning and half at night. We have seen a number of excellent responses with once a day treatments. Side effects from DCA are reported even with doses of 13 to 14 mg/kg after 6 to 8 weeks.