Serial communication, how to set DCB correctly? - Stack Overflow
Oct 7, 2024 · I've been fiddling with serial communication for a while now with a cheap copy of an Arduino Nano. The thing is, it has never worked well, and I was never sur that my configuration is correct. I op...
Declaring an object of a Windows API structure (DCB) - error …
Dec 29, 2017 · I'm trying to create a C++ program to communicate with a serial port device using Windows API in Visual Studio Community 2017 on Windows 7. Trying to compile this bit of code: #include <iost...
What is DCB in "Communications Structures"? - Stack Overflow
Jun 21, 2011 · DCB = Data or Device Control Block It is not a text file. It is typically a struct. MSDN lists more information on DCB at MSDN. At CodeProject, there is a good introduction to S erial Port Communications using the Win32 DCB Structure. The SerialPort object/class is a wrapper. Baud Rates will be the same because the device will require a consistent baud rate.
How to Set Baud Rate 2.000.000 Using DCB Structure
Sep 28, 2013 · How can i set the baud rate to 2MBaud in C source code on Windows / Visual Studio 2010. dcb.BaudRate = 2000000UL; //doesn't work. Data sending at least works, tested using a serial port monitor. My microcontroller and it's ftdi chip is also working fine with 2mbaud using Bray's terminal.
serial port - How does GetCommState populate the DCB struct in …
Apr 21, 2022 · Have you initialised the DCB (e.g, DCB commstate = {0};)? It seems likely that unused fields (because for example, you are not using hardware or software flow control) are not explicitly set and have undefined value. In the left image you have hardware flow control/modem control signals enabled; in USB CDC ACM that has no real effect; it is used in "USB-Serial" bridging applications to control ...
EQU vs DC.B. What is the difference? - Stack Overflow
Jul 26, 2012 · I just started learning assembler language. I came across the concept of EQU. At first it made perfect sense, until I got to DC.B. What is the difference between DC.B and EQU? Can't you just use EQ...
Where should i allocate DCB directive in the code
Jan 4, 2022 · This code below is supposed to rewrite memory place called size but there is a problem which is that I can reach the address of the size but there is not filled with "10" I couldn't figure it out but I think it is about where I allocate DCB in the code.
Set DCB Fails When Attempting to Configure COM Port
I'm trying to write a C++ MFC application that uses the serial port (e.g. COM8). Every time I try to set the DCB it fails. If someone can point out what I'm doing wrong, I'd really appreciate it....
in app purchase - Direct Carrier Billing - Stack Overflow
Mar 25, 2015 · Currently Google support Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) for some countries which gives Android users the option to pay using their carrier for apps and content in Google Play.
windows - Flow control and DCB structure - Stack Overflow
Aug 29, 2011 · Windows HyperTerminal COM port settings dialog contains Flow Control combo with the following values: Xon/Xoff, Hardware, None. How these values are related to DCB structure? I don't see any memb...