Contact Us - Florida DCF
DCF Headquarters. 2415 North Monroe Street Suite 400 Tallahassee, FL 32303-4190. Phone: (850) 487-1111 Fax: (850) 922-2993
Homepage | Florida DCF
Find benefits and services in the state of Florida for children, families, seniors and people with disabilities. Our Office of Economic Self-Sufficiency helps promote strong and economically self-sufficient communities by determining eligibility for food, cash, and medical assistance for individuals and families in Florida.
MyACCESS - myflfamilies.com
Get answers to common questions about applications, benefits, and more. Know your rights and responsibilities when applying for benefits. Learn about each program including how to qualify and the papers you need. Learn more about required papers you may need to upload for verification. Find and print common forms.
Applying for Assistance - Florida DCF
Applying for government assistance benefits is free. Clients can apply online for free by using the Office of Economic Self Sufficiency Self Service Portal or by visiting a DCF Community Partner. If you believe you have been charged a fee inappropriately or have suspected fraud to report, please do so here.
Customer Support - MyAccessFlorida
Florida DCF Contact Information. If you cannot reach a contact person by phone, fax or email using the Access Florida contact details above, contact the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) office. You can communicate with the DCF Center with the following information: Florida DCF phone number DCF headquarters phone number: 850-487 ...
Welcome to MyACCESS - myflfamilies.com
Learn how your family can get help with shots (immunizations), family planning, and money to buy healthy foods. Search for partners who can provide assistance with applying for resources like cash, food, clothing, employment, housing, rent, Medicaid, transportation, mental health, family, disability, pregnancy, aging, veteran services, etc.
MyACCESS - myflfamilies.com
Provide the Department of Children and Families (Department) with complete and correct proof of requested information, within the time limits given to you, to determine if you are eligible for help. Use your Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) benefits to the best benefit of the children in the assistance group.
Contact Us - MyAccessFlorida
If you need help logging into MyAccessFlorida, contact MyAccess My Client Center with the following information: DCF Fax Center: 850-922-2993. If you cannot reach a contact person by phone, fax or email using the Access Florida contact details above, contact the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) office.
MyACCESS: Same Name, New Portal | Florida DCF - myflfamilies.com
MyACCESS enhances the needs of Floridians accessing SNAP (food assistance), TANF (cash assistance), and Medicaid (healthcare coverage assistance).
Public Assistance | Florida DCF
Public benefits assistance help promote strong and economically self-sufficient communities by determining eligibility for food, cash, and medical assistance for individuals and families in Florida. The Office of Economic Self-Sufficiency also provides assistance regarding Homelessness and Refugee Services.