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Join us LIVE right here or on Facebook or YouTube during our service times. Dominion Chapel is a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). © 2022 Dominion Chapel …
Dominion Chapel Houston - YouTube
Welcome to the Dominion Chapel Houston (DCH) YouTube Channel! DCH LIVE Services! Join us every Sunday at 9 AM & 11 AM (CST) for a powerful time of worship and the Word, shared by ministers...
Home | Dominion Chapel Houston
We are a multi-cultural community of believers whose goal is to make a lasting difference in the lives of individuals, communities and nations. We exist to spread the Word of God to the masses. We have been called to go and make disciples of all nations (MATTHEW 28: 19-20).
Dominion Chapel Houston
Dominion Chapel Houston (DCH) is a parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). We are a lighthouse to all nations; a multi-ethnic church called to impact our community, our nation and our world.
UPCOMING ★ 28.03.2025 Astoria-sali, helsinki [Private] ★ 10.06.2025 Lahti Jazz Club, Lahti ★ 27.06.2025 Linnajazz-klubi, Suistoklubi, Hämeenlinna ★ 28.06.2025 Hämeenkylän Kartano, Vantaa - DCH Trio [Private] ★ 05.07.2025 Baltic Jazz Festival, Ullman's Villa, Taalintehdas - DCH Quartet ★ 05.07.2025 Baltic Jazz Festival, Verstas, Taalintehdas - …
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DCH LIVE Services! - YouTube
Join us Every Sunday @ 9AM & 11AM (CST) and Every Wednesday @ 7PM (CST)
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—Stay Connected with Dominion Chapel HoustonWebsite: https://www.dch.church/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dominionchapelhouston/Instagram: https://www.i...
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Sinach Live at DCH #dch | By DCH - Dominion Chapel Houston
7.9K views, 83 likes, 7 loves, 4 comments, 76 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from DCH - Dominion Chapel Houston: Sinach Live at DCH #dch