DCI Indonesia H1 Campus - Data Center Map
Explore DCI Indonesia H1 Campus - data center by DCI Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia (St Jawa, Block GG5-1, MM2100 Industrial Area, Bekasi).
Jakarta SCBD – Jatiwaringin - MM2100: non-highway - 44 km, 1 hour The data center site is located in MM 2100 Industrial Estate with great flexibility of access to the area.
PT. Data Center Indonesia (DCI) Buka Data Center ke-4 di Cibitung
2021年6月1日 · Kawasan industri MM2100 dipilih, karena memenuhi kreteria pembangunan fasilitas pusat data yakni dua station penyuplai listrik yang krusial. Suplay listrik ini memakai energi gas yang ramah lingkungan.
DCI Indonesia (JK1 Building) Data Center Details
2020年3月6日 · DCI Indonesia (JK1 Building) is in Jakarta, Indonesia, and their full address is: St Jawa Block GG5-1, MM2100 Industrial Area, Cikarang Barat Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java, Kabupaten Bekasi, Indonesia, 17520, Indonesia.
DCI Indonesia JK1 Data Center - Baxtel
2023年12月3日 · DCI Indonesia has announced that they have completed the company's third data center on the campus in Cibitung in West Java, Indonesia. The JK3 facility has seven floors with four data hall floors with the remaining floors for M&E equipment. Constructed in collaboration with Equinix, JK3 h...
印度尼西亚 MM2100 工业园区 - 丸红亚洲工业园区
印度尼西亚mm2100 工业园区. 在东南亚国家协会(asean)之中,印度尼西亚为最大市场其中之一,成长潜力无穷。 探索mm2100工业园区,邻近首都雅加达。
PT. DCI Indonesia Bangun 8 Gedung Data Center di Cibitung
2018年3月14日 · DCI Indonesia, perusahaan penyedia layanan pusat data (data center) akan membangun delapan gedung untuk mengembangkan usahanya mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi digital di Indonesia. Gedung-gedung itu akan dibangun di kawasan Industri MM2100, Cibitung, Kabupaten Bekasi di atas lahan 3,6 hektar.
DCI Indonesia JK1 - Data Center Map
Explore DCI Indonesia JK1 - data center by DCI Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia (St Jawa, Block GG5-1, MM2100 Industrial Area, Bekasi).
INTRODUCTION TO DCI INDONESIA Established in 2011 as the first and only Tier IV data center... Page 1 2011 Established PT Data Center Infrastructure Indonesia (“DCI”) with total area of 3.6ha in a purpose-built compound located in MM 2100, Cibitung, West Java 2012 Began construction of the first data center module (“JK1”) 2013
DCI Indonesia (JK2) - PeeringDB
DCI Indonesia (JK2) Networks 28 Local Exchanges 1. file_download EXPORT Export Options . All. Facility. Carriers. Exchanges. Networks. Output Format . CSV. JSON ... Jalan Jawa, Blok GG5-1, MM2100 Industrial Area. Address 2 Cikarang Barat, Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java. Suite ...
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