科研丨华科同济医学院: 肠道菌群失调通过重塑血清代谢组损害海 …
本研究使用5-乙炔基-2‘-脱氧尿苷(edu)和双皮质素(dcx)的抗体来标记成年海马祖细胞的增殖和神经元分化。 在抗生素干预后,EDU、DCX或双标记DCX-EdU细胞阳性的细胞数量显著减少,表明与对照组相比,抗生素治疗小鼠的成体神经发生受损(图4b,图S2B)。
Molecular landscapes of human hippocampal immature neurons …
2022年7月6日 · These studies have relied largely on immunostaining of doublecortin (DCX), an immature neuron marker that requires intricate histological protocols for postmortem adult human brain specimens 5,...
Steps towards standardized quantification of adult neurogenesis …
2020年8月26日 · To determine whether the BrdU-labeled progenitors have become immature (DCX) or mature neurons (NeuN, Calbindin), staining can be combined with labeling for these markers.
2019年4月3日 · 形态学的分析结果表明,dcx+cr+主要位于颗粒细胞层(gcl)的肝门部边缘,称为亚颗粒区(sgz),它们的体形较小,具有不成熟的细长形态特征,每个细胞有2个初级轴突,与sgz平行。
Parvalbumin interneurons mediate neuronal circuitry ... - Nature
2013年11月10日 · Stereological quantification revealed a further decrease in EdU + MCM2 + proliferating neural precursors and DCX + EdU + neuronal progeny from 1 to 4 dpi following PV + neuron suppression .
The transcription factor ZEB1 regulates stem cell self-renewal and …
We found that both DCX + EdU + tdTOM + and DCX − EdU + tdTOM + cell numbers were significantly increased in Zeb1 −/− mice (Figures S2G and S2H). Most newborn neurons generated during neurogenesis undergo apoptosis, and only a small fraction survives and integrates successfully into the hippocampal circuitry ( Dayer et al., 2003 ; Ryu et ...
Neuropeptides Modulate Local Astrocytes to Regulate Adult …
2020年10月28日 · Stereological analysis revealed a significant increased density of DCX + EdU + immature neurons without exhaustion of the rNSC pool (Figures 6O–6Q). Together, these results suggest that CCK interneuron stimulation promotes stable neurogenic proliferation via MAPK/ERK signaling and activation of G1/S cell cycle regulators, resulting in ...
Images showing both DCX+ and DCX+EdU+ cells in the cortex 7 …
(A) DAPI-staining of cell nuclei (blue); (B) immunohistochemistry for DCX (green); (C) EdU staining (red); (D) composite image indicating cell labeled with DCX only (dashed arrow) or double...
AAV-proBDNF对阿尔茨海默病鼠海马DCX阳性细胞数及PSD-95表 …
【细胞生物学原创系列十四】EdU作用原理及应用 - 知乎
EdU与BrdU是一种胸腺嘧啶核苷类似物,它们能够在细胞增殖时期代替胸腺嘧啶 (T)渗入正在复制的DNA分子,然后分别利用 免疫荧光技术 、与 Apollo荧光染料 特异性反应检测细胞增殖情况。 这是一种新型的非放射性同位素细胞增殖检测的方法,在细胞培养、实体组织及临床研究中得到了广泛的应用。 该技术可用于细胞成像、流式、细胞示踪、DNA损伤修复检测、线粒体活性检测以及病毒增殖活性检测等,EdU亦适用于活体注射。 与传统的免疫荧光染色 (BrdU)检测方法相 …