Understanding DD217N and DD217 Discharge Certificates
This is also called a "Certificate of Service Card", or more formally, "Certificate of Service - Armed Forces of the United States). It states: "This is to certify that (name) honorably served on …
Difference Between DD-214 and DD-217: Air Force Discharge …
Here's a clear explanation:There is no such thing as a "217 Air Force discharge." The official document used by all branches of the US military, including the Air Force, to record a service …
What is a DD 217? - Answers
A DD 217 is a discharge certificate.
Understanding DD Form 217: Military Documentation Explained
What does a DD 217 N mean? Stateside. No - I am the wife of a Navy veteran, just curious
Difference Between DD-214 and DD-217 | Military Law Q&A
A U.S. Navy Veteran has DD-217N - Certifcate of Service - Armed Forces of the United States. Is this equivalent to
Is DD 217 still issued? > Hall Of Heroes > AR15.COM
Dec 24, 2010 · I have my DD 214 but am trying to replace my worn out DD 217 AF. The National Personel Center says that they do not issue a DD 217. Just wondering if the modern military …
What is a DD form 217A? - Answers
Aug 19, 2023 · Want this question answered? Be notified when an answer is posted 📣 Request Answer
Will a dd-217n qualify me for hearing aids I was in the
Your DD-217N will not likely be sufficient to obtain VA eligibility though since it does not contain your more detailed service information, like a DD-214 or what ever other discharge document …
My dd214 form 217 mc. 9 july 1962 usmc disch."264-paragraph …
Customer: my dd214 form 217 mc. 9 july 1962 usmc disch."264-paragraph 13265.1c & 89-Para 1326.1f what do these two paragraphs mean ?
How can I get a replacement for my Form 217 AF. NO…you
Customer: How can I get a replacement for my Form 217 AF Lawyer's Assistant: I understand the importance of replacing your Form 217 AF. Have you already contacted the issuing authority …