M4A1 FSP Rifle | SOCOM | 5.56 | Daniel Defense
The Daniel Defense M4A1 FSP features the M4A1 FSP RIS II, which has been in use by US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) for the SOPMOD Block II program since 2005. The M4A1 FSP features a 14.5” Cold Hammer Forged M4 Profile barrel with a …
【干货】丹尼尔防御公司 (Daniel Defense)历史及产品简介
同年,丹尼尔的团队还突破零部件制造的局限,推出了第一款整枪产品——DD M4。这款AR-15系枪械采用了丹尼尔自家的上下机匣组件和护手,标准的A2枪口消焰器,标准的A2小握把,标准的M16/4大三角准星座,但枪托、弹匣等组件用的是magpul的产品。
M4A1 FSP Rail Interface System, RIS II (FDE) | Daniel Defense
The Daniel Defense Rail Interface System (RIS II) was designed at the request of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) for the SOPMOD II program. SOCOM had a specific requirement for a free float M203 solution and Daniel Defense responded, designing a revolutionary product to meet the government’s need.
Daniel Defense M4A1 FSP Rail Interface System RIS II - OpticsPlanet
2020年3月25日 · Two-Piece Design for USSOCOM Allows For the Attachment of an M203 Grenade Launcher When Lower Rail Section is Removed. All Daniel Defense products carry a 100% satisfaction guarantee against defects in original materials and workmanship.
This Daniel Defense M4A1 FSP AR15 style Upper Receiver Group was built for customers wanting a firearm inspired by USSOCOM SOPMOD Block II. It features the M4A1 FSP RIS II picatinny quad rail in Flat Dark Earth, a 14.5" M4 SOCOM heavy profile barrel, Mil-Spec F-Marked front sight base.
Rail Interface System III, RIS III 13" FSP (FDE) - Daniel Defense
The Daniel Defense RIS III Rail Interface System takes the proven design of our two-piece RIS II rails—used by U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) since 2006—and reduces weight while adding versatility by utilizing M-LOK attachment.
LPDDR5/5X 协议解读(十)FSP operation - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Frequency Set Points (FSP) allow the LPDDR5 SDRAM CA Bus to be switched between three differing operating frequencies, with changes in voltage swings and termination values, without ever being in an untrained state which could result in a loss of communication to the SDRAM.
Daniel Defense M4A1 FSP RIS II Quad Rail AR-15 Handguard - Primary Arms
The Daniel Defense RIS II M4A1 freefloat handguard is one of the toughest and most effective rail systems for AR-pattern rifles available on the market to date.
随便聊聊:美国武器市场上的配件2 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
DD的作品是一款安装和开合方式都和原来塑料护木类似的四面导轨护木,从2008年开始小批量装备部队试用,时至今日已经装备了英军全部的一线战斗部队。 早期型,还在用SUSAT. 最近几年的照片. DD还曾为HK416研制过一款护木,使用自家的MFR配件接口,比Geissele和雷明顿的产品都要轻,但手感较差,很少有部队采用,在民用市场的销路也不好,没过多久就停产了。
Daniel Defense M4A1 RIS II FSP 5.56 Complete Upper Receiver
Inspired by the USSOCOM SOPMOD Block II, the Daniel Defense M4A1 FSP Upper Receiver Group is designed for enthusiasts who demand military-grade precision and performance. This upper features the M4A1 FSP RIS II Picatinny quad rail in a striking Flat Dark Earth finish, paired with a 14.5" M4 profile barrel and a Mil-Spec F-marked front sight base.