DDB/DFK Series – Capacitive Voltage Transformers | Arteche
Arteche DDB/DFK is a capacitive voltage transformer series up to 800 kV. They use an oíl paper insulation hermetically sealed. Arteche DDB/DFK series allows different options: Option for carrier accessories for HF signal transmission. Option for EMU grounding switch; Option for …
This manual describes the construction, installation, commissioning and monitoring for safe use of a high-voltage instrument transformer insulated by oil-paper. SCOPE OF APPLICATION/ The manual applies to the following transformers: › Capacitive Voltage Transformers, DDB Series, Models: DDB-72..170.
Capacitive voltage transformer: model DFK up to 800 kV, model DDB up to 170 kV. Coupling capacitor: model DFN up to 800 kV, model DDN up to 170 kV. Ideal for installation at metering points due to its very high accuracy class and extremely steady capacitance. Transmission of high-frequency signals through the high voltage lines (PLC).
High Voltage Capacitive Transformers and Coupling Capacitors
Capacitive voltage transformers isolate the measuring instruments, meters, relays, protections, etc., from the high voltage power circuit and provide a scaled replica of the voltage in the HV line. They enable transmission of high frequency signals through the high voltage (HV) lines.
DDB/DFK Series: Capacitive Voltage Transformer: Model DDB 72.5 KV …
ARTECHE_CT_DDB_DFK_EN - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
DDB-145 Arteche - in England
DDB-145 - Capacitive voltage transformers buy in England. Contact with us to get a quote or to find out a price for Arteche DDB-145. Only original products directly from manufacturer!
KV数据分片和分布 - CSDN博客
2023年1月2日 · kv 数据库是一种非常简单高效的数据库类型,适合于高性能、低延迟的数据存储和快速检索。 它广泛应用于缓存、会话存储 和 配置管理等场景。 虽然 KV 数据库 提供了很高的读写性能,但它不适合进行复杂查询操作,因此在需要复杂查询或事务支持的场景下 ...
DDB/README.md at main · JohanLi233/DDB - GitHub
A naive and simple distributed KV storage system. Contribute to JohanLi233/DDB development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - pcpengchang/KV-DB: 键值型数据库,包括系统监控、键 …
键值型数据库,包括系统监控、键值对的增删改查、设置过期时间、简易的RDB数据存盘机制、单例日志系统等功能,并使用Muduo网络库提供对外存储服务。编写Shell脚本方便开机自启 - pcpengchang/KV-DB
my simplest kv db - itdef - 博客园
2018年2月25日 · 最简单的kv db . 最基本的网络连接 使用STL map存储key value 作为多线程互斥的简单例子。 以后有机会逐步优化添加功能. 1增加ASIO 异步通讯. 2优化存储空间 传递指针 避免过多的拷贝操作. 3优化代码结构. 4优化全局锁 操作map时候 锁定部分区域而不是锁全局 。