XGudron/UA3REO-DDC-Transceiver - GitHub
It performs DDC / DUC conversion (digital frequency shift down or up the spectrum) - by analogy with a direct conversion receiver. The I and Q quadrature signals from the conversions are fed to the STM32 microprocessor.
Digital down converter - Wikipedia
In digital signal processing, a digital down-converter (DDC) converts a digitized, band-limited signal to a lower frequency signal at a lower sampling rate in order to simplify the subsequent radio stages. The process can preserve all the information …
WOLF HF-VHF-UHF All mode Transceiver - The DXZone
2023年8月6日 · Wolf Transceiver is a Chinese product based on the open source DDC-DUC SDR project by UA3REO. The RF signal is digitized by a high-speed ADC chip and fed to an FPGA processor. It performs DDC / DUC conversion (digital frequency shift down or up the spectrum) – by analogy with a direct conversion receiver.
UU5JPP/Wolf-LITE: DUC-DDC Трансивер Wolf-Lite - GitHub
It performs DDC / DUC conversion (digital frequency shift down or up the spectrum) - by analogy with a direct conversion receiver. The I and Q quadrature signals from the conversions are fed to the STM32 microprocessor.
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2023年10月18日 · Wolf Transceiver is a Chinese product based on the open source DDC-DUC SDR project by UA3REO. The RF signal is digitized by a high-speed ADC chip and fed to an FPGA processor. It performs DDC / DUC conversion (digital frequency shift down or up the spectrum) – by analogy with a direct conversion receiver.
ColibriDDC HF SDR Recveiver - SunSDR.eu
ColibriDDC is a small sized direct sampling SDR receiver designed to work on HF frequencies from 0.09 to 60 MHz. With the help of external filters ColibriDDC is capable to receive frequencies up to 800 MHz. It is controlled via LAN or can be connected to a Raspberry Pi3 to be remote controlled over the internet.
GitHub - cbm77/UA3REO-DDC-Transceiver_2021-03-23: DDC/DUC SDR …
2021年3月23日 · It performs DDC / DUC conversion (digital frequency shift down or up the spectrum) - by analogy with a direct conversion receiver. The I and Q quadrature signals from the conversions are fed to the STM32 microprocessor.
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - 设备 - ColibriDDC双接收SDR抢先体验
2014年12月3日 · 本次CQWW CW比赛纯粹打酱油去了,跟着二爷学习CW,半夜帮着修功放,没上机。 借着机会,体验了一下最新ColibriDDC双接收SDR,以前从没用过这么高大上的产品,折腾了大半夜,终于摸到点门道了。 由于是新产品,还没有完整的操作说明书,只能参照SUNSDR2的说明和原理框图,终于搞定了跟CWSkimmer的配合。 表 1. 规格: 开启了双接收,系统资源消耗比较大,电脑配置要高一点才行,我的T420笔记本跑起来比较吃力。 恭喜新玩具。 这个好。 …
Expert Electronics Colibri DDC SDR Rx - WiMo
Colibri DDC SDR is a direct sampling HF receiver (direct down conversion, DDC) with a frequency range from 0 to 55 MHz. The AD converter has 14 bit word length, the sample rate is 125MS/s. This makes the Colibri SDR suitable for demanding shortwave listeners (SWL), radio amateurs and professional monitoring applications.
UA3REO Wolf - Ham Imports
The UA3REO Wolf radio has some impressive specs for an all-band transceiver. Featuring DDC/DUC technology, it can receive across 0-750MHz with full mode support – an extremely wide range. Based on an open source design by UA3REO, the Wolf looks to be an incredibly versatile and capable transceiver.