Domain-Driven Design Crew - GitHub
A collection of resources for learning DDD. All are free to access. Loading… Domain-Driven Design Crew has 14 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
GitHub - ddd-crew/ddd-starter-modelling-process: If you're new to DDD ...
If you want to try it out yourself, colleagues at SAP have created a DDD Kata to educate teams, how to apply the DDD Modelling Process in your team. Based upon a set of requirements, you …
GitHub - ddd-crew/context-mapping
Context Maps describe the contact between bounded contexts and teams with a collection of patterns. There are nine context map patterns and three different team relationships. The …
Welcome to the Domain-Driven Design Crew | ddd-crew.github.io
The published version of all repositories maintained by the ddd-crew. View My GitHub Profile. Welcome to the Domain-Driven Design Crew. Currently published repositories: Domain-Driven …
Domain-Driven Design Starter Modelling Process | ddd-starter …
Using this process will guide you through each of the essential steps in designing a software system with the DDD mindset, so you can focus on your business challenges and not be …
ddd-starter-modelling-process: DDD设计:领域驱动设计建模过 …
This process gives you a step-by-step guide for learning and practically applying each aspect of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) - from orienting around an organisation's business model to …
library: DDD, 领域驱动实现的图书馆例子,java - Gitee
This is a project of a library, driven by real business requirements. We use techniques strongly connected with Domain Driven Design, Behavior-Driven Development, Event Storming, User …
ddd-crew - Gitee
ddd-crew. 欢迎加入我们~ ... DDD, 领域驱动实现的图书馆例子,java 1 2 3 library-php. 1 0 1 context-mapping. DDD, 领域驱动设计,上下文映射备忘 1 0 0 eventstorming-glossary-cheat …
ddd-starter-modelling-process - 领域驱动设计入门建模流程实践 …
ddd-starter-modelling-process项目提供了一个循序渐进的领域驱动设计(DDD)学习和应用流程。 该流程涵盖从理解业务模型到编写领域代码的全过程,帮助开发者在专注业务挑战的同时系统学 …
GitHub - ddd-crew/welcome-to-ddd: Definitions of DDD and …
Get started with hands-on techniques using Visual Collaboration Tools, a free ebook containing workshop recipes for a number of collaborative DDD techniques including EventStorming, …
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