The solution — IQVIA’s AIR for DDD with OneKey reference data More detail means new opportunities and better decisions. Powered by OneKey reference data that provides IDN and GPO affiliation information, AIR for DDD can greatly enhance any organizations approach to identifying new sales force geographies.
Sales Information - United States - IQVIA
IQVIA sources information from more than 550 suppliers including nearly 100 pharmaceutical manufacturers to create these key sales data offerings: National Sales Perspectives® (NSP): Nationally projected sales activities DDD®: Sub-nationally linked sales activities by outlet
IQVIA's Analytics Insights and Reporting (AIR) for Drug …
2023年1月29日 · IQVIA's Analytics Insights and Reporting (AIR) for Drug Distribution Data (DDD) Powered by OneKey, provides clear line of site into competitive sales at the GPO, IDN, and account levels
シェア理論に欠かせない、DDDからわかること - SI.Lab 戦略向上 …
2021年1月28日 · iqvia 社が提供するdddは非常に有効な定量データです。 DDD を用いれば、市場のポテンシャルや競合製品のマーケットシェアから、効果的なエリア・マーケティングの実施や、MR 配置戦略・販売計画の立案に活用することが出来ます。
To adjust for differences in volume measures across medicine forms, historic medicine volumes were converted into defined daily doses (DDDs) based on World Health Organization (WHO) methodology. The DDD measure represents a standard day of therapy for a maintenance dose of a chronic therapy.
IQVIA | 社員インタビュー フィールドコンサルタント
MRの皆さんには「DDDデータ」などが有名ですが、IQVIAでは世界規模で唯一無二の情報・データに関する事業も行っており、多数のお客様に市場データ等をご提供しています。 そうしたさまざまな情報・データや、現場の医療者から収集した「生の声」に基づき、各地域の市場を把握、課題を特定することが第一歩です。 そして、本社からの戦略をベースにその課題を解決するための具体的な対策を練り、現場の課題に即したエリア戦略を立案します。 さらにMR同行等 …
OneKey Reference Data - IQVIA
Integration with IQVIA hospital procedure data, 867 channel sales tracings, drug distribution data (DDD), lab and hospital procedure data (LAAD), and more
Available IQVIA Data
IQVIA collects new and refilled prescription data daily from sample pharmacies covering 93% of outpatient prescription activity, and projects this information to create a national estimate for all products, therapeutic classes and manufacturers.
Global antibiotic consumption and usage in humans, 2000
2021年11月11日 · We estimated a global antibiotic consumption rate of 14·3 (95% uncertainty interval 13·2–15·6) defined daily doses (DDD) per 1000 population per day in 2018 (40·2 [37·2–43·7] billion DDD), an increase of 46% from 9·8 (9·2–10·5) DDD per 1000 per day in 2000.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication consumption …
2023年4月1日 · Timely recognition and appropriate treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are essential to enhance long-term outcomes of individuals with ADHD. This study aimed to evaluate the multinational trends and patterns of ADHD medication consumption.