DDOPreload - DDO wiki
2016年2月2日 · This program reads all DDO's necessary files into Windows cache which is apparently much faster than any classical HDD. DDOClient can benefit from the windows cache and starts faster. Program can be downloaded here:
Bubble'din, SWF Support DPS for Reaper Raiding and R10 Questing
2023年8月2日 · Providing support on a DPS means that you need to be looking at the party's HP bars and predicting their incoming damage while still managing your DPS and buff rotations. I have a little over 40 abilities/items hotkey'd that I regularly use and that's not even counting numbers 6-0 because they're too far for me to quickly hit.
Solo focused build with high ac, high saves, decent melee, self …
2010年3月6日 · Click on the Cleansoul build in my signature, it can get raid buffed AC in the 80's, can dish out respectable DPS, high DC insta-kill and blade barriers, high saves with evasion, UMD, raid level self and group healing. You can also look at The Hurtlocker build, high defense and very high dps, no fail recostruct scrolls.
Hit Point management | Dungeons & Dragons Online Forums
2024年9月12日 · Take any +HP boosts in your class trees, there are +5 to +15 bonuses sprinkled all throughout melee trees. Grab them all. Be sure to get to Tier5 in one of the melee trees that gives the +25% Competence bonus to HP. Toughness helps, and with fighter and monk levels you should have enough feats to spare one for it.
Getting ready to settle down...top dps build(s) : r/ddo - Reddit
2021年4月27日 · I've seen people carry high reapers with the 11/8/1 Barbarian Wolf build. There is a build that's just called "Fury Fighter" that's 18 Fighter with a Barbarian and FVS split that deal good burst damage too, though looking at Zhyano's …
Extremely High DPS Rogue inquis - Vault
2011年2月6日 · Vault › General › DDO-Specific Discussion › Builds › Extremely High DPS Rogue inquis (Moderator: Strakeln) ‹ Previous Topic ... Extremely High DPS Rogue inquis (Read 6314 times) UnknownBuilder. Titan Demolisher Offline I Love Drama! Posts: 359 Joined: Mar 4 th, 2019. Extremely High DPS Rogue inquis Jun 18 th, 2020 at 11:56pm Print Post :
XP difference hard BB vs elite : r/ddo - Reddit
2018年6月23日 · The difference between running everything once on Elite with BB versus once on Hard with BB and then again on Elite once you know the quest is that you'll get ~44% more exp the latter way. In other words, BB makes a big difference, but if you're willing to run quests twice you can more than make up for it -- and if it's faster for you to run ...
Dungeons & Dragons Online Forums - Dungeons and Dragons …
2025年3月13日 · Help with Character builder "ddobuilder" panes disappearing. You must log in or register to post here. Nonspecific discussion about classes and builds goes here, and specific …
Tabaxi's High Places and DDO's physics
2022年6月25日 · Hi, Tabaxi's High Places: After falling for at least 1.5 seconds, when you land you gain +2 Critical Hit Confirmation, +2 Critical Hit Damage, and +25% Armor Piercing for 20 seconds. Does anyone know if the 1.5 seconds threshold is easier to achieve with a running jump than a standing jump?
Bonus XP calculator : r/ddo - Reddit
2020年7月12日 · Even if you're one level too high for elite bravery, you still get 85% of the XP you'd get when you would do it at the best level. And if you can do it twice as fast that's much better xp/min. Even as a lvl16, you can run lvl9 quest …