Dark Dirigible Titan (DDT) | Bloons Wiki | Fandom
With the properties of Camo, Lead, Pink, and Black Bloons, the DDT is immune to Sharp, Explosive type attacks while also having the camo property. It moves at the speed of a Pink Bloon in BMC, slightly faster (2.75x) than the speed of a Ceramic Bloon (2.5x) in BTD6 and BTDB2, or the same speed as a Green Bloon in BATTD.
最普遍有效的反迷彩效果是猴村提供的(BMC的下路2级和BTD6的中路2级),范围内的塔能够攻击迷彩气球,BTD6中英雄Ezili的lv7技能也能提供反迷彩辅助。 去除迷彩的塔如潜艇上路3级,以及(有知识的)迫击炮下路3级。 本身可攻击迷彩的塔如忍者猴,钉子工厂,和BMC中的机枪猴,升级后能攻击迷彩的塔不再一一列举. 2.铅制外壳。 免疫尖锐属性攻击,忍者猴机枪猴钉子工厂未升级时的攻击均属此列。 BMC猴村下路3级,BTD6猴村中路3级升级使范围内猴子可攻击铅 …
Dark Dirigible Titan (DDT)/Strategies | Bloons Wiki | Fandom
Using M.A.D can easily destroy DDT's but will be weak against camo fortified ceramic bloons; The Super Glue is able to stall DDT's so other monkeys can pop the DDT; Strategies for BATTD []
any good towers to beat ddts (especially fortified ddts) :: …
2020年2月26日 · To deal with DDT, which primarily appear on R90, R93, R95 and R99 (FDDT), you need to deal with 2 issues: 1) Source of reliable damage. DDT immune to sharp, explosive attacks. Comes in group, with other MOABs, pesky purples leads (R95), children are also camo Super Ceramics (R81+, extra though).
海量知识无从下手?最优路径帮你解忧 - 气球塔防6球个攻略
2024年1月19日 · DDT:萌新杀手,公认最难处理的气球。 实际上:需要两个400(500)机枪交叉发射激光,其交点处产生等离子池。 提高容错,竞速很好用! 意味着能直接释放英雄技能! 点5,6基本无作用。 点7,8,9皆起飞. 飞跃提升! 但需要太多知识(15点知识) 发帖者翘首以盼,快来和 TA 互动吧! 一.内容前瞻 本篇文章含有大量知识解析 数值类+1会酌情跳过 气球塔防中,知识有六个大类 其中的核心知识,能让你事半功倍 部分知识效果来源官方wiki二.知识介 …
How to Beat Dark Dirigible Titan (DDT) in Bloons TD 6
2022年3月20日 · Dark Dirigible Titans or DDTs are the toughest opponents that you can meet in Bloons TD 6. Mostly you will encounter them on the Impoppable and CHIMPS difficulty modes. Usually, they appear with the latest waves. So, you will have enough time to prepare some good towers against them.
Dark Dirigible Titan | Tower Defence Wiki | Fandom
The Dark Dirigible Titan (or DDT) is a boss attacker featured exclusively in Bloons Monkey City and Bloons Tower Defense 6. It has 300 health and moves as fast as a Pink Bloon, making it the joint fastest attacker in the entire series.
How to beat DDTs in Bloons TD 6
2021年8月9日 · Dark Dirigible Titans, or DDTs, are the heaviest class of enemies in Bloons TD 6, appearing only after wave 90. They share traits with other MOAB class enemies and are...
Btd6: How to Beat DDTs? - Nerd Lodge
2023年8月2日 · DDTs, or Dark Dirigible Titans, are among the toughest Bloons that you can face in BTD6. They are highly strong foes with HP higher than base MOABs and even Fortified ZOMGs. Furthermore, these Bloons are immune to Sharp, Explosive, Freeze, and non-Camo detection Monkeys.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Best ways to pop DDTs!
2021年10月7日 · DDTs are a MOAB-class Bloon which have several strengths. They can't be hit by explosives or sharp objects and and move extremely fast. As a result, not preparing can end in disaster. DDTs show up at the following pre-100 rounds (the BAD.) Round 90: FIrst DDTs. Easy if ready. Round 93: More DDTs than before, but still fairly easy.