PDP-4 - Wikipedia
DEC provided an editor, an assembler, and a FORTRAN II compiler. [3] The assembler was different from that of the PDP-1 in two ways: Unlike the PDP-1, macros were not supported. It was a one-pass assembler; paper-tape input did not have to be read twice.
Programmed Data Processor - Wikipedia
The original PDP, an 18-bit four- rack machine used in early time-sharing operating system work, and prominent in MIT's early hacker culture, which led to the (Massachusetts) Route 128 hardware startup belt (DEC's second home, Prime Computer, etc.).
PDP-4 - Computer History Wiki - Gunkies
The PDP-4 was a small computer produced by Digital Equipment Corporation; DEC's second production computer, and another 18-bit machine, like its predecessor, the PDP-1. It too had a load-store architecture, with a single accumulator, and a directly-accessible link (carry) bit.
Programmed Data Processor-4 (PDP-4) is a general purpose, high speed, solid state computer designed to be the control element in an information processing system or a complete scientific computer. It is a single address, parallel, binary machine with an 18-bit word length using 1's or 2's complement arithmetic.
PC硬件史话(二):从小型机到微型机 | 机核 GCORES
在 PDP-1 推出之后 DEC 没有停歇,用今天的话来说就是疯狂刷机型,1960 年 PDP-3,1962年 PDP-4,1963 年 PDP-5,1964 年 PDP-7。 这其中有的销售不佳,如 PDP-4 就非常惨淡,而 PDP-6 项目则直接因为市场反映不佳而直接搁浅;但继续走小型化之路的 PDP-5 却非常受市场欢迎。 于是,秉承着 PDP-5 的理念,在此基础上进行大幅度改进的 PDP-8 被刷出来了。
IT历史连载61-41岁的小型机之王DEC公司公司的兴衰历史 - 知乎
2023年2月23日 · DEC System 2020(DEC PDP-10: KS-10 )是PDP-10系列的最后一款机型,也是比较低端的型号,运算能力300 KIPS,DEC System 20的1/6,通常用作“部门级”的电脑主机,同时支持10-20个用户操作。
第一台PLC的诞生记(二) - 哔哩哔哩
pdp-14本质上是dec最成功的“迷你机”pdp-8,增加了工业i / o接口。 PDP-14由一个控制单元和几个外部接口盒组成。 控制单元包括一个可变大小的ROM,它最多可以包含4k的12位指令。
从辉煌走向消亡——小型机之王DEC公司 - 雪球
2017年3月26日 · dec的第二和第三款pdp样机都没有做出来, 只有贝尔主持的pdp-4从图纸变成了产品, 然后是pdp-5小型机和pdp-6大型机,全都出自于贝尔的手笔。 贝尔在DEC服务了23年(其间中断了数年),他创造的计算方法,为DEC成为IBM最强的竞争对手打下良好的基础。
2005年11月19日 · PDP-11/04 released in December for the OEM market. It is the third generation PDP-11 but remains completely program compatible with the PDP-11/05. PDP-11/70 announced in February as the "big brother" to the PDP-11/45.
PDP-4 - Ed Thelen
DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation Identification,ID PDP-4 Date of first manufacture: 1962 Number produced - Estimated price or cost - location in museum - donor -