PDP-5 - Wikipedia
Although the LINC computer was intended primarily for laboratory use, the PDP-5's 12-bit system had a far wider range of use. An example of DEC's "The success of the PDP-5 ... proved that a market for minicomputers did exist" is: "Data-processing computers have accomplished for mathematicians what the wheel did for transportation" [5]
PDP-5 - Computer History Wiki - Gunkies
The PDP-5 was DEC's first 12-bit computer, the predecessor to the PDP-8; in some sense, it was DEC's first minicomputer (although the -5 pre-dated the creation of that term). Like the -8, it was a load-store architecture; its instruction set was very similar to that of the -8.
The Programmed Data Processor-5 (PDP-5) makes available to engineering and scientific applications a random-access, high-speed, magnetic-core memory in a compact but complete general-purpose digital computer. It is intended for use in computation or as a control or processing element in an on-line data handling,
PDP-5 - Ed Thelen
Subject: What is a PDP-5? Date of introduction: Aug 11, 1963, unveiled at WESCON. Date of withdrawal: early 1967. Total production run: 116. line of transistorized logic modules sold by DEC. The supply. voltages were +10 and -15 volts, with logic levels of -3 (logic 1) and 0 (logic 0). Logic was packaged on boards that were about.
The Digital Equipment Corporation Programmed Data Processor-5 (PDP-5) is designed for use as a small-scale general-purpose computer, an inde-pendent information handling facility in a larger computer system, or as the control element in a complex processing system. The PDP-5 …
戈登·贝尔:DEC技术灵魂、小型机之父 - 新浪科技
2004年3月5日 · DEC的重要产品PDP-5型计算机,开创了小型机市场和小型机时代。 与此同时,贝尔还设计出36位的分时大型机PDP-6。 不过这次命运不佳,奥尔森亲手葬掉了它。 因此创业伙伴安德森离开了DEC。 为了避免与奥尔森发生直接冲突,贝尔外出度假,然后转到卡耐基麦伦大学任教,以顾问之职与公司保持联系。 卡斯特是一位雄心勃勃却易惹麻烦的天才工程师,一直在贝尔的指导下工作。 贝尔离开后,他在PDP-5基础上,研制出PDP-8型。 PDP-8为DEC带来了 …
2005年11月19日 · PDP-11T55 announced in December as a high performance disk-based system. The 11T55 was a redesigned 11/45 processor, 32K bipolar memory (with parity) and a FP11-C floating point processor. PDP-8/A-600 series introduced as a replacement for the PDP-8/E, PDP-8/F and PDP-8/M machines.
dec :: pdp5 :: PDP-5 pgmLibr 1964 : Free Download, Borrow, and ...
2013年1月9日 · dec :: pdp5 :: PDP-5 pgmLibr 1964 Bookreader Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to Pinterest. Share via email. EMBED. EMBED (for …
PDP-5 | IT History Society
The PDP-5 was built with DEC System Modules, the original line of transistorized logic modules sold by DEC. The supply voltages were +10 and -15 volts, with logic levels of -3 (logic 1) and 0 (logic 0). Logic was packaged on boards that were about 4.75 inches high with each card mounted in a metal frame with a 22 pin edge connector.
Digital Equpment Corporation - PDP-5 - mcmanis.com
The PDP-5 was DEC's predecessor to the very successful PDP-8. This one came from Bob Woodhead who rescued it from the trash dump where it had been thrown out by the Navy. He had some electronics technicians working for him that he needed to train and the PDP-5 provided just the right amount of interest and complexity.