DF-4 - Wikipedia
The Dong Feng 4 (Chinese: 东风-4; pinyin: Dōng Fēng Sì; lit. 'East Wind 4') or DF-4 (also known as the CSS-3) is a first-generation two-stage Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile [7] with liquid fuel (Nitric acid/Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine). It was thought to be deployed in limited numbers in underground silos beginning in the ...
Dongfeng (missile) - Wikipedia
The DF-4 (CSS-3) "Chingyu" is China's first two-stage ballistic missile, with 5,550-7,000 km range and 2,200 kg payload (3 Mt nuclear warhead). It was developed in late 1960s to provide strike capability against Moscow and Guam. The DF-4 missile also served as basis for China's first space launch vehicle, Chang Zheng 1 (Long March 1). Approx ...
DF-4 | Missile Threat
2024年4月23日 · The DF-4 is a two-stage intermediate to intercontinental-range, transportable, liquid-fueled ballistic missile. It has an estimated range of between 4,500-5,500 km and carries a 2,200 kg payload. Its payload is designed to accommodate a single nuclear warhead with a yield between 1 and 3 megatons and has an accuracy of approximately 1.5 km CEP.
Dong Feng-4 (CSS-3) - Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
The Dong Feng 4 (DF-4) is a two-stage, inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) with a range of 4,500-7,000 km. [1] The DF-4 employs a DF-3 launcher with an added stage to help power the single 3 MT warhead to inter-continental ranges.
东风-4远程弹道导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
东风-4远程弹道导弹 (DF-4;北约代号: CSS-3)是 中华人民共和国 研制的第一种两级液体燃料(红烟 硝酸 和 偏二甲基肼)机动发射的 远程弹道导弹 [7]。 从20世纪80年代初期开始,有限数量的东风-4就被认为在山洞和地下发射井中部署。 东风-4第一级以 东风-3 为基础稍加修改;第二级为全新设计。 东风-4的第一级发动机地面推力为1120千牛,第二级发动机真空推力为320千牛,起飞重量为82,000千克,直径为2.25米,长度为28.05米,翼展为2.74米。
Dongfeng (DF) Ballistic Missiles, China - Army Technology
2022年8月15日 · The DF-4 measures 28m in length and 2.25m in diameter, and weighs 82,000kg at launch. It has an effective range of up to 5,500km and can accommodate a single nuclear warhead with a yield of up to 3MT. Developed with the aim of deploying a ballistic missile capable of hitting Guam, the missile has been in service since 1980. The DF-25 is a two ...
DongFeng 4 (CSS-3) Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile
The DongFeng 4 was the first ballistic missile of the PRC that posed a real threat to the Soviet Union, with its 4,750km range enough to reach Moscow and a number of other key Russian cities. The missile could also threaten U.S. military bases in its Asian allies, though it still could not reach the U.S. mainland.
东风-4弹道导弹 - 百度百科
東風-4彈道飛彈(東風-4號(DF-4)遠程地地戰略飛彈):發展沿革,研製 …
東風-4彈道飛彈(代號:DF-4,北約代號:CSS-3),是 中國人民解放軍火箭軍 裝備的一型陸基中遠程彈道飛彈。 東風-4彈道飛彈是中國第一種兩級彈道飛彈,使用東風-3作為第一級火箭),其原設計射程超過4000千米,以美軍駐關島的B-52轟炸機基地為目標,後射程增至5000千米以上,以將莫斯科及其他蘇聯西部城市納入射程範圍。 1950年,在中國與蘇聯簽訂友好同盟互助條約之後,蘇聯在軍事研發、培訓、技術檔案、設備製造等方面給予中國軍方諸多幫助,並且授予 …
DF-4 - China Nuclear Forces - Federation of American Scientists
DF-4 [the "Chingyu" missile] The two-stage DF-4 (CSS-3) limited-range ICBM was designed initially to hit the US base at Guam and later modified to increase its range to 4750 kms so as to be able to strike Moscow. The launcher is a DF-3 with an added upper stage designed to provide power for boosting a 2,200 kilogram 3-MT warhead over a range of ...