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This is a collection of skin packs for Discarded Vessel's DF Classic mod, DF REFLECTED, that add characters from other UTDR fangames! There are currently two skin packs: Undertale Yellow and Project Spacetime (Outertale)! UTY: Includes …
- 评论数: 10
(UTY Spoilers I guess) about everyone's stats... - Reddit
On the other hand, check stats in UTY are actually used in calculating damage dealt or taken, which makes the check stats actually accurate. Though, idk how enemies' DF work. However, you can calculate how much damage you can taken from an enemy as follows: Damage taken = Max(1, Enemy's AT + 10 - Your base DF - Your secondary DF)
Undertale Yellow @undertale-yellow - Tumblr Blog - Tumlook
2024年12月24日 · Undertale Yellow is a full-length fan-made prequel for UNDERTALE, which follows Clover, who sets off on a mission to find the five previous missing humans. (Full game out now!) Here we, the developers will post important updates, answer questions, and share the amazing work made for our game!
Undertale Yellow 简体中文本地化版本正式发布【2025 …
Undertale Yellow 非官方简体中文本地化版本由 UNDERTALE 中文本地化社区 呈现根据 UTY 官方 FAQ,翻译无需申请授权现在加入 UNDERTALE 中文本地化社区:https://pd.qq.com/g/undertalezhloc如果在游玩过程中有任何问题 / 遇到 bug 等,可在加入 UNDERTALE 中文本地化社区后于「求助」 ...
What if UTY's check stats displayed lore stats instead of code stats ...
2024年4月17日 · UT's check stats display how strong the monster is compared to other monsters as a form of power-scaling, while UTY's check stats show how strong the monster actually is (how high their real AT and DF is). So I thought it'd be fun to give some notable UTY monsters some lore stats instead of their usual code stats.
[UTY/干货] 教你如何修改UTY的存档!秒变肮脏黑客!!!
如果你没有用户名,找Administrator文件夹 注意:AppData是隐形的,Windows 10以上的去查看勾选隐藏的项目即可 Windows 7的需要进入文件夹及搜索选项改,显示隐藏的项目给他勾上就行 Windows 8.x自行摸索:)) Local我不说,UTY存档文件夹我也不说,直接改Save.sav就行了 Windows 11以下 ...
I decided to make a tier list ranking all the characters in ... - Reddit
But when looking at the real stats in Undertale’s code, you see that Undyne actually has 12 AT & 5 DF, and unlike the original game, UTY’s stats in game are accurate to their data, meaning that Martlet is the stronger one in terms of numbers by a wide margin.
【中文字幕】像Undertale Yellow角色一样说很多话_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
DF_Supreme_Surge. 2.1万 21 【中文字幕】Undertale Yellow音乐剧-炽热枪炮-Guns Blazing. 梦中浮船 ... 【UTY/水作】“你长大后想成为什么样的人? ...
Game Jolt - Share your creations
Undertale Yellow: Shades of Justice is a mod for Undertale Yellow that expands upon the Pacifist Route by providing new character interactions and a twist to the follower system! Huh? Starlo and Axis? Well, maybe next update, ok? Ok, well, Axis DOES have some new stuff; sorry Starlo fans! And... A new secret boss...?
- 评论数: 92
有关屠杀线无罪论的一些疑问 - 百度贴吧
2024年11月10日 · 补充:国内外对uty ge的态度明显比原版 ge要好,uty结局没有灭世,而且clover屠杀行为被认定为“扭曲的正义/复仇”,而福就是单纯为杀而杀。 如果讨论的是frisk走屠杀而不是玩家走屠杀的话。 4,无关。 进行攻击的怪物对人类的态度究竟如何?【UT... 至于怪物不如人类? emmm这属于道德问题了. 并非有罪,但也并非是罪,一个玩家想探索游戏里的所有内容,难道不是理所应当的事吗? 因为被故意设计成这样,我探索的时候可以被探索,这这样难道不 …