DFID Case Study for WDR 2005: Migrant Remittances and the Investment Climate: Exploring the Nexus by Cerstin Sander 2 Introduction "A positive investment climate is important for the effective utilization of all types of capital flows, including FDI, remittances, aid and debt." Nicholas Stern, World Bank
International Development (DFID) that have achieved promising results in recent years. An opening contribution, by the editor, sets the scene with a fuller discussion, from an independent perspective, of why the two DFID experiences are significant. The case studies that follow were written by DFID authors as
DFID Case Study for WDR 2005: Competition Law and the Investment Climate in Developing Countries by Simon J. Evenett 2 Introduction 1. The econometric literature on the effects of competition law on investment focuses almost exclusively on the consequences for inflows of foreign direct investment.
Based on our case study analysis, we find that the standard 4E framework that DFID used – economy, efficiency, effectiveness/cost-effectiveness and equity – is relevant for adaptive programmes. But we argue the way the framework is approached, measured and managed needs to be redefined to reflect the importance of testing, learning and
Most DFID programmes across our case study countries are taking appropriate and proportionate action to mitigate risk. Senior responsible owners are able to explain specific risks and how these...
• All new DFID business cases for education programmes now specify learning outcomes as a key results indicator, alongside evidence of how these will be improved; • Interventions to support and monitor outcomes in early grade reading and mathematics are being designed
DFID Case Studies Database | The Communication Initiative
2005年6月1日 · The case studies include: stories told by people whose lives have been changed; as well as offer insights by DFID staff. The DFID is the part of the United Kingdom Government that manages Britain's aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty.
Case study: UK Department for International Development (DfID)
DFID’s mandate is to provide development assistance which contributes to poverty reduction. DFID is therefore mostly a grant-giving body, although it also performs an important research function and engages in policy dialogue/technical assistance activities.
DFID Case | PDF | Department For International Development
DFID case - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document outlines the current business and future plans of DFID as well as its vision.
DFID’s use of private sector contractors: Government Response to …
2017年9月15日 · DFID’s Business Case Smart Guide directs staff to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each viable option, present evidence for outcomes and impact and assess value for money. Key considerations include: the capacity and capability of the partner to deliver the programme; the costs and benefits of each option; timing and resources; and ...