DT-2216 (DT-2216) - 药物靶点:Bcl-xl_在研适应症:血液肿瘤, …
DT2216 is an anti-apoptotic protein B-cell lymphoma-extra large targeted protein degrader. It may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking BCL-XL, a protein needed for tumor cell survival. Irinotecan is in a class of antineoplastic medications called topoisomerase I inhibitors.
Targeting BCL-XL with a Novel VHL-Based BCL-XL Degrader DT-2216 …
2023年11月2日 · In contrast, DT2216, a VHL-recruiting BCL-xL PROTAC, exhibits potent degradation of BCL-xL in leukemia cells while sparing platelets due to minimal expression of …
实体瘤和血液系统恶性肿瘤新药进入临床 - 健康界
2022年3月4日 · DT2216是使用Dialectic公司专有的新型抗凋亡蛋白靶向降解(APTaD™)技术构建的独特化合物。 在临床前研究中,DT2216选择性诱导癌细胞降解BCL-XL,刺激细胞自杀 …
DT2216 | PROTAC BCL-XL 蛋白降解剂 | MCE
DT2216 is a potent and selective BCL-XL (Bcl-2 family member) degrader based on PROTAC technology. DT2216 causes effective degradation of BCL-XL protein by recruiting Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) E3 ubiquitin ligase. DT2216 inhibits various BCL-XL-dependent leukemia and cancer cells but considerably less toxic to platelets.
Design, synthesis, and evaluation of a novel protein degrader FPFT-2216 …
2025年3月22日 · FPFT-2216 strongly degraded IKZF1, which are considered to be essential for the survival of myeloma cells (Table 4, 2). LEN and POM suppress tumor growth by inducing a decrease in the expression of interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) and c-Myc through IKZF1/3 degradation, 9 so the same is the case with cell growth inhibition by FPFT-2216.
Different RDF Plot for DFT and DPMD - GitHub
Run the MD simulation in precisely the same thermodynamic condition at which data is created. Have the same number of MD simulation input molecules as it is used for training. Check the structure of MD simulation input data. Also How do you create RDF for DFT data and code for creating RDF graphs.
DT-2216 | 2365172-42-3 | 上海源叶生物科技有限公司
体外研究: DT2216 is a BCL-XL proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) that targets BCL-XL to the Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) E3 ligase for degradation. DT2216 is more potent against various BCL-XL-dependent leukemia and cancer cells but significantly less toxic to platelets than ABT263 in vitro because VHL is poorly expressed in platelets.
信号处理--离散傅里叶变换(DFT) - CSDN博客
而DFT是一种时域和频域均离散化的变换,适合数值运算,成为用计算机分析离散信号和系统的有力工具。 对连续信号和系统,可以通过时域采样,应用DFT进行近似谱分析。 工程实际中, …
DT2216 | 2365172-42-3 | AbMole | DT-2216
DT2216是一种潜在首创的(first-in-class)BCL-XL蛋白水解靶向嵌合体(PROTAC),可靶向BCL-XL到VHL综合征的E3连接酶进行降解。 同时,DT2216对各种BCL-XL依赖性白血病和癌细胞都有效。 可用于靶向BCL-XL的抗癌化合物以及 T 细胞淋巴瘤的相关研究。 *AbMole所有产品仅供有资质的科研机构或医药企业进行科学研究或药证申报用途,不能被用于人体和任何其它用途。 我们不向任何个人或非科研性质的机构提供产品和服务。 Cell Death Differ. 2024 Dec 03. 冰袋 …
DT-2216-靶点: Bcl-X_适应症: 实体瘤-临床_专利_批准
DT-2216是由佛罗里达大学和Dialectic Therapeutics Inc研发的一种PROTACs,是一种泛素蛋白连接酶类调节剂和Bcl-X降解剂。 目前该药物最高研发阶段为临床一期,用于治疗实体瘤和血液肿瘤。