Help Opening .DFT File (Solid Edge?) | SOLIDWORKS Forums
2017年3月29日 · Can you guys help me find a downloadable viewer that will open this file? Thank you all in advance.
Like solidedge revision manager | SOLIDWORKS Forums
2008年11月12日 · Hi; Before I was using solidedge,Now I started using solidworks.In solidedge they have an supporting software called Revison Manager.It helps us in renaming,in replacing …
importing solid edge files | SOLIDWORKS Forums
how can i import solid edge part file, assembly & dft file in solid works 2013
Trying to check in unknown file type creates error - SolidWorks
2011年3月23日 · I have a .dft file which I wish to check in to the vault. I have created a file card for this item but when I try and check the item in I get the error "The file-format plugin cannot …
Run a macro during a PDM Task | SOLIDWORKS Forums
2017年9月15日 · Hello I'm not so experienced with the SW / EPDM Api. I need to run a simple piece of code during a EPDM task. We need to generate a dxf and a pdf from a .dft file (Solid …
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Storing .dwt files in Enterprise PDM | SOLIDWORKS Forums
Shouldn't Enterprise PDM allow me to store ANY file type in the vault? In a perfect world, I could include the file extension on a particular file data card and add the file extension to the list of …
No solid data in file when opening STEP file - SolidWorks
2017年11月9日 · I downloaded a step file. I got this error. is this step file corrupted? After hitting OK button, nothing displayed.
Reading Light training files | SOLIDWORKS Forums
I am a new begginer with Solid Works ( just bought the student licence) and am doing the initial training with the reading light exercise. I have completed the shade part desing and starting …
Dissolving a .STEP file | SOLIDWORKS Forums
I've asked this question before and for the last year I've been able to dissolve a file until now. *In System Options>Import, enable 3D Interconnect. *Then drop down the File Format list and …