DGL empowers a variety of domain-specific projects including DGL-KE for learning large-scale knowledge graph embeddings, DGL-LifeSci for bioinformatics and cheminformatics, and many others. Find an example to get started
Deep Graph Library - DGL
Learning DGL. Check out our tutorials and documentations. Using DGL with SageMaker. Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed service that enables data scientists and developers to quickly and easily build, train, and deploy machine learning models at any scale. Amazon SageMaker now supports DGL, simplifying implementation of DGL models.
Deep Graph Library - DGL
The DGL 2.1 introduces GPU acceleration for the whole GNN data loading pipeline in GraphBolt, including the graph sampling and feature fetching stages. Read more
用户指南 — DGL 1.1.3 documentation
2020年9月,dgl社区的一群热心贡献者把dgl用户指南译成了中文,方便广大中文用户群学习和使用dgl。 特此致谢下述贡献者:
Deep Graph Library - DGL
Apr 1, 2020 · What is new in DGL v0.4.3 release? The DGL v0.4.3 release brings many new features for an enhanced usability and system efficiency. The article takes a peek at some of the major highlights. TensorFlow support. DGL finally comes to the TensorFlow community starting from this release. Switching to TensorFlow is easy.
dgl — DGL 2.5 documentation
dgl The dgl package contains data structure for storing structural and feature data (i.e., the DGLGraph class) and also utilities for generating, manipulating and transforming graphs. Graph Create Ops Operators for constructing DGLGraph from raw data formats.
1.1 关于图的基本概念 — DGL 2.5 documentation
1.1 关于图的基本概念 (English Version) 图是用以表示实体及其关系的结构,记为 \(G=(V, E)\) 。 图由两个集合组成,一是节点的集合 \(V\) ,一个是边的集合 \(E\) 。 在边集 \(E\) 中,一条边 \((u, v)\) 连接一对节点 \(u\) 和 \(v\) ,表明两节点间存在关系。 关系可以是无向的, 如描述节点之间的对称关系;也 ...
Install and Setup — DGL 2.4.0 documentation
DGL works with the following operating systems: Ubuntu 20.04+ CentOS 8+ (Although gcc 9 is needed) RHEL 8+ macOS X. Windows 10. DGL requires Python version 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11. DGL supports multiple tensor libraries as backends, e.g., PyTorch, MXNet. For requirements on backends and how to select one, see Working with different backends.
dgl.data — DGL 2.5 documentation
The dgl.data package contains datasets hosted by DGL and also utilities for downloading, processing, saving and loading data from external resources. Base Class DGLDataset
1.3 节点和边的特征 — DGL 1.1.3 documentation
通过张量分配创建特征时,dgl会将特征赋给图中的每个节点和每条边。 该张量的第一维必须与图中节点或边的数量一致。 不能将特征赋给图中节点或边的子集。