List of de Havilland aircraft - Wikipedia
The DH.89, for example, was the 89th de Havilland design. The designs DH.121 and DH.125 which were under development when de Havilland lost its separate identity under Hawker Siddeley, retained their numbering and were produced as the Hawker Siddeley HS-121 Trident and the Hawker Siddeley HS.125.
Diamond DA62 - Wikipedia
The Diamond DA62 is a five- to seven-seat, twin-engine light aircraft produced by Diamond Aircraft Industries and first announced in March 2012. [2][3][4]
Master DH 62 – condensation dehumidifier - Dantherm Group
Highly efficient machines designated to operate in harsh work conditions. Ideal for industry and construction. Sturdy and cost-effective range of portable dehumidifiers ideally suited for …
玛斯特MASTER - 冷凝式工业除湿机 DH 62 1台【型号 报价 价格】- DH 62 …
我的万物集 (mymro.cn)供应玛斯特MASTER的 冷凝式工业除湿机 DH 62 1台,包括商品图片、最新报价、交货时间、规格型号,该商品为移动式除湿器的热门采购工业品。
DH-62-P 工業用バーナー 標準タイプ (LPガス仕様) 1台 大同興業
ガスの有するエネルギーの70%を赤外線に転換させるので、熱量を有効に照射します。 放射体 (バーナーと一体)は、任意の方向に向けて使用することができます。 輻射熱で熱を伝えますので、ブロワーや熱交換機等の必要がなく設備費がたいへん低廉です。 放射される赤外線波長は2~4μです。 この附近の赤外線は熱量が最も高く、特に水に吸収されやすいので、焼物、乾燥にたいへん適しています。 ※使用ガス圧力はLPガス 2.8kpa:都市ガス13A 2.0kpaを標準として …
Master DH 62 – condensation dehumidifier - danthermgroup.com
Powerful even at low temperatures – high-performance professional condenser dryer in robust carriage design. These high-quality commercial dehumidifiers are used for drying structures and water damage as well as in industrial, trade, protection of …
Diamond Aircraft DA62 – The ultimate flying machine
Choose from a range of exterior colors, such as ruby red, carbon, gold, sapphire blue and glossy white or design your very own DA62! Learn more about design options. We perform full scale crash tests of the fuselage structure. A proven TKS ice protection system helps the airplane to withstand flight into known icing conditions.
User manual Master DH 62 (English - 184 pages)
The Master DH 62 is a humidifier that is designed to add moisture to the air in a room or space. It is specifically designed to provide optimal humidity levels for improved comfort and health. …
Osuszacz powietrza Master DH 62
Profesjonalny budowlany osuszacz powietrza Master DH 62 - o wysokiej wydajności 52 L / 24 h przeznaczony jest do ciągłej pracy na budowie, podczas remontu. Gwarancja Door-to-door na 24 miesiące.
Master DH 62 – deshumidificador de condensación - Dantherm …
Gama de deshumidificadores portátiles resistente y rentable, ideal para proyectos del sector de la construcción, reformas y control de daños provocados por el agua, entre otros. ¿Le interesa? Registre aquí su producto Master para beneficiarse de las ventajas de la garantía limitada de 3 …