Accurate Extraction of Minority Carrier Lifetimes—Part II: …
2023年7月3日 · Our results demonstrate that the minority carrier recombination lifetimes extracted by the cIVCV method are significantly lower than the results from the transient methods presented in Part I. By means of computer simulations, we can show that this can be related to the interface between the epitaxial layer and the substrate, which is modeled ...
Accurate Extraction of Minority Carrier Lifetimes—Part I: Transient ...
2023年6月28日 · To verify the targeted carrier lifetime various experimental methods such as open circuit voltage decay (OCVD), reverse recovery (RR), and combined current-voltage (I-V)/capacitance-voltage (C-V) (cIVCV) methods have been proposed in the literature. However, the extracted lifetimes can differ between the techniques, primarily due to geometric ...
I-V and C-V measurements (symbols) and 2-D TCAD
In Part II of this work [11] we discuss the extraction of carrier lifetimes by means of combined current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) (cIVCV) measurements. Additionally, we provide...
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少数载流子寿命的精确提取第一部分:瞬态方法,IEEE Transactions …
2023年6月28日 · 为了验证目标载流子寿命,文献中提出了各种实验方法,例如开路电压衰减 (ocvd)、反向恢复 (rr) 和组合电流-电压 ( iv )/电容-电压 ( cv ) (civcv) 方法。 然而,不同技术提取的寿命可能有所不同,这主要是由于外延层厚度等几何效应造成的。
标准DH建模与改进DH建模 - CSDN博客
本文深入解析DH(Denavit-Hartenberg)参数在机器人学中的应用,包括标准DH与修改后的DH参数建立过程,以及两者在坐标系设定和变换顺序上的区别。 通过对比,帮助读者理解不同方法在实际建模中的优劣。
(PDF) Accurate Extraction of Minority Carrier Lifetimes—Part II ...
2023年8月1日 · Our results demonstrate that the minority carrier recombination lifetimes extracted by the cIVCV method are significantly lower than the results from the transient methods presented in Part I.
Accurate Extraction of Minority Carrier Lifetimes鈥擯art II: …
To extract the minority carrier lifetimes, various methods have been proposed. For instance, current–voltage ( I{I} – V{V} ) and capacitance–voltage ( C{C} – V{V} ) measurements have been used in combination (cIVCV) to extract carrier lifetimes. However, some of the proposed methods rely on approximations and simplifications
reposiTUm: Accurate Extraction of Minority Carrier Lifetimes—Part …
To extract the minority carrier lifetimes, various methods have been proposed. For instance, current-voltage ( I -V) and capacitance-voltage (C -V ) measurements have been used in combination (cIVCV) to extract carrier lifetimes.
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