DHI - We enable a sustainable future for water
DHI has been committed to advancing and sharing knowledge of water environments for over half a century. Working within the entire water cycle, we innovate new ways to use, manage and …
DHI - Who we are
Since 1964, we have grown from a handful of passionate wave modellers in Denmark to an organisation with 1,100 engineers and specialists working on projects in more than 115 …
DHI - Om os
DHI har været engageret i at fremme og dele viden om vandmiljøer i mere end et halvt århundrede. Vi arbejder inden for hele vandkredsløbet, hvor vi skaber nye måder at bruge, håndtere og leve med vand samt beskytte vandrelaterede økosystemer.
DHI Miljø og Toksikologi
2024年12月16日 · Hos DHI finder du et af Europas stærkeste tværfaglige miljøer om kemiske stoffer og deres effekter på mennesker og miljø. Vi hjælper industrien med at opfylde kravene til sikre produkter og med at overholde kemikalielovgivninger over hele verden.
DHI A/S is a global and independent government-approved research and technology organisation in the fields of water, environment, health and toxicology. Due to our independent third-party status, we can collaborate with authorities and other …
DHI Environment and Toxicology
2024年12月16日 · DHI offers expert knowledge of chemical substances and their impact on human health and the environment. We help ensure product safety and chemical regulatory compliance worldwide. When using post-consumer recycled plastic, there is a risk of unwanted chemical substances migrating from the plastic to the product and ultimately to the end-user.
DHI (company) - Wikipedia
DHI is an international water software development and engineering consultancy firm with headquarters in Denmark. The profit-for-purpose organisation addresses all challenges in water environments through consultancy services, MIKE Powered by DHI water modelling software, business applications, data portals and operational services.
DHI - Danmarks Teknologiske Infrastruktur
DHI er en uafhængig, international rådgivnings- og forskningsorganisation. Vi er specialister i vandmiljø og arbejder med beslægtede områder såsom kemikalier og fødevaresikkerhed. DHI er godkendt som teknologisk serviceinstitut (GTS) af Ministeriet for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser, og er en del af GTS netværket.
Satellite data analysis and remote sensing - DHI Denmark
Satellite data analysis for mapping, monitoring and forecasting the earth's natural resources. We help you understand what, when and where changes and developments are taking place.
DHI tilbyder test- og modelleringsfaciliteter til fysiske test i dybvands- og lavvandsbassiner, bl.a. til design og installation af havvindmøller. Vi har en af verdens førende testfaciliteter for test af anlæg til rensning af ballastvand, og i DHI’s laboratorium udfører vi test af miljøfremmede stoffer.
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