Dynamic Hip Screw - DHS - Physiopedia
The dynamic hip screw (DHS), a femoral head-sparing orthopaedic device, is used to treat femoral neck fractures. Alternately referred to as a pin and plate. Femoral neck fractures that are undisplaced (Garden I and II fractures) can be treated with …
Dynamic Hip Screw for the Treatment of Femoral Neck Fractures: A ...
For internal fixation, most orthopaedic surgeons choose either a dynamic hip screw (DHS) or multiple cannulated screws (MCS). Osteosynthesis with MCS fixation is a less invasive technique and reduces blood loss and soft tissue stripping [1–3]. With the use of DHS the screw-plate system achieves a more stable condition.
Femoral Neck Fracture ORIF with Dynamic Hip Screw
2017年10月9日 · determine the amount of anteversion by placing the DHS/DCS guide pin anteriorly along the femoral neck with the use of the appropriate DHS angle guide
A review of tip apex distance in dynamic hip screw fixation of ...
Dynamic hip screw (DHS) is a procedure commonly performed for intertrochanteric Neck of femur (NOF) fractures, otherwise called extra-capsular fractures. This is a technique, which allows the screw to slide within the barrel, leading to compression of the …
Fractured Neck of Femur | FNOF | Orthopaedics - Geeky Medics
2020年12月14日 · Cannulated screws (figure 4) or a dynamic hip screw (DHS) (figure 5) can be inserted. Cannulated screws involve a set of screws being driven into the femoral head across the fracture which stabilises the fracture. A DHS is a dynamic plate screwed across the fracture line into the femoral head.
Dynamic hip screw versus intramedullary nailing for the treatment …
In this study, we aimed to compare perioperative results of sliding hip screws and intramedullary nails for two-part femoral fractures through the analysis of transfusion rates, postoperative blood loss, midterm outcomes, and direct costs.
Surgical management of neck of femur fractures in patients
2023年10月6日 · Several surgical implants have been used for the treatment of neck of femur fracture (NOF) in younger patients such as dynamic hip screw (DHS) and cannulated compression screw. However, the superiority of one or another osteosynthesis device remains a matter of debate.
Femoral Neck Hip Fracture - Physiopedia
Plain radiographs (sensitivity 93-98%) is the first-line investigation for suspected Neck of Femur(NOF) fractures. In patients with a suspected occult NOF fracture, MRI (sensitivity 99-100%) is recommended by many institutions as the second-line test if available within 24 hours, with CT or nuclear medicine bone scan third-line [14]
What is the best method of fixation for minimally displaced …
2023年11月1日 · In conclusion, the findings of this systematic review provide compelling evidence supporting the superiority of dynamic hip screw (DHS) fixation in the management of undisplaced subcapital fractures of the neck of the femur (NOF). DHS fixation consistently yields favourable outcomes, including high rates of union, low incidence of avascular ...
Sliding hip screw with antirotation screw - AO Foundation Surgery …
An implant like a sliding hip screw (dynamic hip screw; DHS) provides angular-stable fixation combined with a cannulated screw (antirotation screw) parallel to the DHS lag screw. It must be parallel in order not to block the sliding property of the DHS implant.