Bank 0/DIMM0 or Bank 1/DIMM!?? Which is m… - Apple Community
2008年3月20日 · Imac intel Core 2 Duo 2.0ghz, 2.5gb RAM, 160 gb Hard drive Hi I currently have 2.512gb of RAM installed. I have a 2gb card in BANK1/DIMM! and a 512mb card installed in BANK0/DIMM0 is this correct as I heard that you should have the fastest chip (2gb) in the master port with the 512mb card in the slave.
What is the physical location of the DIMM… - Apple Community
2009年12月30日 · What is the physical location of the DIMM 0 /J21 slot in a MDD FW800? I have RAM in all 4 slots. System Profiler is reporting DIMM 0 as empty, so that RAM stick must be bad. BTW- I re-seated all the memory, no change in the Sys-Pro. Problem is, I can't see any labels printed next to the RAM sockets.
Which memory slots to install additional … - Apple Community
2020年8月17日 · I'm purchasing a new iMac27" 2020 with base memory of 8GB which I understand comes as 2x4GB modules in slots 2 & 4 (DIMM 0). I have purchased an additional 32GB of RAM (2x16GB OWC RAM modules) to bring my total memory to 40GB.
iMac 2019 RAM Memory Slot DIMM Bank Chann… - Apple …
2021年6月29日 · Bank 2 Channel B DIMM 0 4GB Bank 3 Channel B DIMM 1 4GB test results Novabench - each test run three times and since results vary a bit, I am reporting an approximate range (for RAM test only)
27" iMac - 4x16GB versus 2x8GB + 2x32GB? - Apple Community
upgrade RAM - iMac 2019, 5K, 27 inch Just bought a new iMac, wishing to purchase 64GB RAM to upgrade. Aside from leaving 2 DIMM slots open for upgrading to even higher RAM amounts in the future (find it difficult to believe it will ever be necessary) is there any practical difference between choosing to purchase 4 x 16GB modules versus 2 x 32GB modules.
After add memory make the imac very slow,… - Apple Community
2011年5月16日 · Bank 0 Dimm 0 2g (Original) This is upper left if my IPS panel face down. Bank 1 Dimm 0 2g (Original) This is upper right. Bank 0 Dimm 1 4g (New) This is lower left. Bank 1 Dimm 1 None. By the way, i will try to take it out to see how it go, thanks for your suggestion. Message was edited by: anguslkc
Mixing Ram capacities in different DIMMs … - Apple Community
2020年9月1日 · IF you get 2 different capacities, even if you slot the pairs in the same DIMM slot, you will get a reduction in speed. This mixed capacity, but proper pairing in DIMM slots is the second best option, but you get that reduction in speed. and the third and worse option is putting the 1 stick from each pair in both DIMM 0 and 1.
Which module goes to bank/dimm 1 or bank/dimm 0 - Apple …
0 points Which module goes to bank/dimm 1 or bank/dimm 0 It seems that one of the pair of the 2GB RAM modules (x2) I just got in the mail from Corsair is corrupted!
Macbook 5.1 late 2008 one DIMM slot seems… - Apple Community
2014年1月19日 · Macbook 5.1 late 2008 one DIMM slot seems to not be working. I have swapped the 2 DIMMS and they both work in Bank '0'/DIMM '0' but not in BANK '0'/DIMM '1'. I have used brand new 4 GB ram as well with same results. Can I change the DIMM slots/reader.
Memory module problem? - Apple Community - Apple Support …
2009年5月26日 · kernel is still saying "AppleTyMCEDriver ReadCorrectable : Detected 1 errors on channel 2 dimm 0 package 0", however couple of hours after booting. Show more Less Reply