碟形弹簧 A型 DIN 2093 (A) - 2013 - 易紧通
②,德国标准DIN 2093-2013已转换为欧洲标准DIN EN 16983-2017,技术内容相同。 注:技术数据仅供参考,请以官方原件为准! 材质:65MN、60Si2Mn 、50CRV4、304、316;规格范围:M2-M250;表面处理:发黑、磷化黑、镀锌、镀镍、达克罗、本色清洗等。 材质:弹簧钢60si2MnA、50CrVa、65Mn;不锈钢SUS301、304、316、17-7p、高温合金钢;规格范围:外径6mm-250mm,非标支持定制;表面处理:发兰、镀锌、达克罗、磷化、研磨抛光等。 材质: …
(高清正版)DIN 2093-2013(可复制) - 道客巴巴
2022年8月22日 · (高清正版) DIN 16511 Erlaeuterungen 星级: 4 页 (高清正版)DIN 181342012 ENG 星级: 25 页 暂无目录. . 点击鼠标右键菜单,创建目录. 暂无笔记. . 选择文本,点击鼠标右键菜单,添加笔记 ... (高清正版)DIN 2093-2013(可复制) 下载 ...
DIN 2093 - Disc Spring Washer - fasteners
Inquiry DIN 2093 A 18x9,2x1 A4 : 2017-11-22 20:49:23: Germany: See Detail: There are no overstock items of this product. ...
DIN 2093-92 - 道客巴巴
不能認爲碟形彈簧在螺紋連接場合, 可以像一同緊固的彈性件(例如 din 6796 規定的緊固墊)那樣, 用以調節組裝狀況。 2. 概念 碟形彈簧是沿軸向可承受負載的錐體環狀碟片, 它能以單個碟形彈簧形式或聯合成彈簧板疊形式, 或由單件彈簧或彈簧板疊層摞成彈 ...
Disc Springs DIN 2093 - Springmasters
Disc Springs DIN 2093 are available in outside diameters of 6.0mm to 250.0mm. DIN 2093 classifies disc springs into three categories
DIN 2093-2013碟形弹簧垫圈 (A系列)-螺丝标准查询-紧固云
din 2093-2013 碟形弹簧垫圈(a系列)规格表,din 2093-2013 碟形弹簧垫圈(a系列)图纸及3d产品选型,紧固云找标准提供齐全的紧固件标准
DIN 2093 (A) - 2013Disc Springs - Series A - Global Fastener
Material: carbon steel, alloy steel, nickel stainless steel; Specifications: outer diameter 8~112mm, inner diameter 3.20~57mm, thickness 0.2~6 mm; Surface treatment: phosphating and oiling, no surface treatment.
Disc springs for static and dynamic load Disc springs are particularly suited for use in applications that require a high force but have limited space. By com- bining the springs in various ways, it is possible to obtain different forces and characteristics. See figures opposite.
DIN EN 16983 Disc Springs (formerly DIN 2093) - SPIROL
SPIROL offers the full range of DIN EN 16983 (formerly DIN 2093) Group 1 and 2 Disc Springs in Series A, B, and C in outside diameters ranging from 8mm to 200mm. In addition to the DIN specified sizes, SPIROL stocks its own standard size range in …
DIN 2093 (B) - 2013 碟形垫圈 B型 - 易紧通
材质:碳钢,合金钢,镍不锈钢;规格范围:外径 8~112mm,内径 3.20~57mm,厚度 0.2~6 mm;表面处理:磷化并涂油,无表面处理。
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