DIN 2510 Part 3 Technical conditions of deliverz_ang materials according to DIN 267 Part m according to DIN 267 Part 15 f only to special order. The designation in thig case reads, e.g.: Stud-bolt L M 30 x 200 DIN 2510 -f- 24CrM05 Markinsž according to DIN 267 Part 13 Page 3 Unless agreed to the contrary when ordering, the marking should be applied to the end face of the point If stud—bolts ...
DIN 2510 Studs, Stud Bolts, Materials, and Extension Sleeves of …
Welcome to TorqBolt! We stock the DIN 2510 Standards in DIN 2510 Studs, DIN 2510 Stud Bolts, DIN 2510 Materials, and DIN 2510 Extension Sleeves of various dimensions for bolted connections.
- 评论数: 803
(高清正版) DIN 2510-3 1971-08 - 道客巴巴
2019年7月27日 · 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档
腰状杆螺柱连接副 Z 型——加长螺纹 DIN 2510-3 (Z) - 易紧通
腰状杆螺柱连接副 Z 型——加长螺纹 DIN 2510-3 (Z) - 1971
din2510螺纹标准 - 百度文库
din2510螺纹标准 DIN 2510 是德国标准化协会(Deutsches InstitHale Waihona Puke Baidut für Normung)制定的一项螺纹标准。它主要用于螺栓和螺母的连接,包括双头螺栓和双头螺母的设计和规格。DIN 2510 标准包含了螺栓和螺母的尺寸、螺纹形状、材料要求等方面的规定,以确保连接件的质量和可靠性。该标准的 ...
腰状杆 双头螺柱 HS 型 DIN 2510-4 (HS) - 1971 - 易紧通
腰状杆 双头螺柱 HS 型 DIN 2510-4 (HS) - 1971
DIN 2510 - Double end studs with reduced shank with 2 hexagon …
DIN 2510 - Double end studs with reduced shank with 2 hexagon nuts Current norm: DIN 2510
DIN 2510-3-带缩径杆的螺栓连接;双头螺栓-国家数字标准馆
Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; Threaded Holes for Studs 带缩径杆的螺栓连接;螺柱螺纹孔
DIN 2510 - Waisted Stud Bolts, Hexagon Nuts and Sleeves
DIN 2510 standard covers dimensions, tolerances and materials for waisted stud bolts, hexagon nuts and sleeves for bolted connections in petrochemical industry.
din2510螺母标准(一) - 百度文库
•DIN2510螺母标准是德国标准化协会(DIN)制定的一种特殊型号螺母的标准。 •DIN2510标准为满足高温高压条件下的工程需求而设计,适用于各种紧固连接。