十字槽盘头自攻自钻螺钉 DIN 7504 (N) - 1982 - 易紧通
六角带介(华司)自攻自钻螺钉 DIN 7504 (K) - 1995 - 易紧通
Metric DIN 7504 Self Drilling Screws are similar to self tapping sheet metal screws but has a drill point. This arrangement eliminates the need for a pilot hole by simultaneously perforating and forming mating threads in the substrate,.
DIN 7504-1982 钻尾螺钉 - 道客巴巴
2012年4月17日 · din 7504-1982 钻孔和旋入的测试资料 星级: 1 页 din7504-1982钻尾螺钉 星级: 10 页 410钻尾螺丝与304钻尾螺丝的区别 星级: 1 页 钻尾螺丝,自攻自钻螺丝,六角螺丝,拉爆螺丝,膨胀螺栓 星级: 1 页 ...
十字槽沉头自攻自钻螺钉 DIN 7504 (O) - 1995 - 易紧通
①,材料:采用din 17210规定的表面硬化钢或din en 10083 -1和din en 10083 -2规定的淬火和回火处理钢(由制造商自行决定)制造,允许使用等效钢级。 替代列表 DIN 7504P - 1982 DIN 7504O - 1995 DIN EN ISO 15482 - 2000
DIN 7504 (P) - 1982-十字槽沉頭自攻自鑽螺釘- 易緊通
材質:不鏽鋼SUS410、SUS304、SUS316、1022碳鋼等;公稱直徑:ST2.9-ST6.3;公稱長度:9.5—300mm;表面處理:鍍鋅、鍍鎳、達克羅等可按客戶需求;支持非标定制。 材質:碳鋼,不鏽鋼;規格範圍:3.5mm~6.3mm length:13mm~120mm;表面處理:鍍白鋅、彩鋅、鎳、達 …
DIN 7504-1982 钻尾螺钉(中文版).pdf - WDFXW文档分享网
2018年12月25日 · 鑽尾螺鈃 Drilling screws with seif- tapping screws thread in accordance with DIN 7970 Dimen sions Requirements Testing 7504-1982 按國際標組織(ISO)發佈標準的慣例,本標凖揉用逗號為十進位
DIN 7504- self drilling metal screws- tek screw- China manufacturer
DIN 7504 Self-drilling tapping screws type: DIN7504N, DIN7504P, DIN7504K,DIN7504R,DIN7504O. The tail of the drilling tail screw is in the shape of drill tail or sharp tail, without auxiliary processing, it can directly drill, tap and lock on the setting materials and basic materials, thus greatly saving the construction time. Compared with ...
DIN 7504 K Tapping Screws | McMaster-Carr
They meet ISO 15480 (formerly DIN 7504 K), an international standard for tapping screw dimensions. For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number. Max. Thick. …
DIN 7504 - Fasten.one
See the relevant DIN Standards and ISO Standards for head styles and threads of self-drilling screws. The specifications of this standard are intended to ensure that tapping screws are capable of performing the above functions without their own thread fracturing or …