粗杆双头栓 b1=1.25d DIN 939 - 1995 - 易紧通
材质:不锈钢200、 304 、316、904L、2507、2205、310S、C276;规格范围:M5-M48:公称长度:16-300mm;表面处理:镀白锌、彩锌、镍、达克罗、抛光等。
DIN 939 - Studs, with engagement length 1,25 x d - fasteners
DIN 939 - Studs, with engagement length 1,25 x d Current norm: DIN 939 Equivalent norms: CSN 021176; PN 82131; Send Inquiry. Buy DIN 939; Technical information; 3D model; Inquiries; Overstock; Company City Country Company profile; TOP Kaleliler Fasteners: ANKARA: Turkey: See Detail: TOP LUSAVOUGA - Hardware and Tools:
DIN 939-代替 DIN 833:1943-12,,1952-12,DIN 834:1943-12,1953-03,DIN 939 …
主要产品有螺栓、螺柱、螺母、螺钉、垫圈等系列标准件及非标件,执行标准有ISO、IFI、DIN、JIS、BS、GB等,规格从M3-M20,长度从3MM-300MM,机械强度等级4.8、5.8、6.8、8... 挡圈、螺栓。 锥销锁紧挡圈、 螺钉锁紧挡圈 、带锁圈的螺钉锁紧挡圈 、轴肩挡圈 、螺钉紧固轴端挡圈 、螺栓紧固轴端挡圈 、 方头螺栓 、沉头方颈螺栓 、沉头带榫螺栓 、半圆头方颈螺栓、 半... 地区: 芜湖 电话: 0553-8768222, 8768619... 本公司严格按照国家标准 (GB)、国际标准 (ISO)、德标 …
Din 939 - 道客巴巴
2019年4月19日 · DEUTSCHE NORM February 1995 I I Studs with a length of engagement equal to about 1,25 d DIN - 939 ICs 21.060.10 Supersedes December 1972 edition. Descriptors: Fasteners, studs.
Metric DIN 939 double end studs are machine thread fasteners without a head and may or may not be fully threaded depending on the length of the fastener. Depending on the application, both ends can accept a nut or one end may be
DIN 939 Studs | McMaster-Carr
DIN 939—Studs that meet DIN standards meet dimensional and material requirements. Thread Length (B) includes chamfer on DIN 938 and DIN 939 studs.
DIN 939 Specifications | TorqBolt
Looking for DIN 939 Tap End Studs? Visit DIN939.com to know more about DIN 939 Standard components for Bolting Connections. Contact us +91-22-66157017.
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DIN 939 - 1995 粗杆双头栓 b1=1.25d - 易紧通
材质:不锈钢;等级:A2-70、A2-80、A4-70、A4-80 表面处理:不锈钢本色、钝化 规格:M5-M68,长度可任意加长,支持非标订做。
DIN 939:1995 双头螺栓.旋入端 (约)1.25d 标准全文
DIN 939:1995的标准全文信息,双头螺栓.旋入端 (约)1.25d, Studs - Metal end 1,25 d, Stiftschrauben - Einschraubende 1,25 d, 提供DIN 939:1995的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适用范围等信息,也提供PDF预览(如果有PD
Stiftschraube DIN 939 — Ml 2 x 80 — 8.8 Bezeichnung einer Stiftschraube mit Gewinde M12 ohne Festsitzgewinde (Fo), Nennlänge I = 80 mm und Festigkeits- klasse 8.8: