ISO 965-1-2013中文 - 道客巴巴
内容提示: ISO 965-1:2013(E)中文 PAGE:1 ©ISO2023–Allrightsreserved 国际标准 ISO965-1 第4版 2013-09-15 ISO 一般用途米制螺纹— 公差 —第一部分: 原则和基本数据 参考版本号: ISO965-1:2013(E)
International Standard ISO 965-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 1, Screw threads, Subcommittee SC 2, Tolerances. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 965-1:1980), which has been technically revised. ISO 965 consists of the following parts, under the general title ISO general purpose metric screw threads —
ISO 965 - Wikipedia
ISO 965 (ISO general purpose metric screw thread—tolerances) is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard for metric screw thread tolerances. [1] It specifies the basic profile for ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M) conforming to ISO 261 .
ISO 965-1:2013 ISO general purpose metric screw threads — …
ISO 965-1:2013 specifies a tolerance system for ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M) conforming to ISO 261. The tolerance system refers to the basic profile according to ISO 68-1. Amendments are issued when it is found that new material may need to be added to an existing standardization document.
ISO 965-1:2013-ISO通用公制螺纹——公差SPART 1:原则和基本数 …
2002年11月26日 · iso 965-1:2013规定了符合iso 261的iso通用公制螺纹(m)的公差系统。 公差系指符合ISO 68-1的基本轮廓。 ISO 965-1:2013 specifies a tolerance system for ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M) conforming to ISO 261.
ISO 965-1:2013(en), ISO general purpose metric screw threads ...
ISO 965 consists of the following parts, under the general title ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances: This part of ISO 965 specifies a tolerance system for ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M) according to ISO 261. The tolerance system refers to the basic profile according to ISO 68-1.
BS ISO 965-1:2013+A1:2021-ISO通用公制螺纹 公差-国家数字标准馆
ISO 965的本部分根据ISO 261规定了ISO通用公制螺纹(M)的公差系统。 包含以下内容:BS ISO 965-1:2013. ISO GENERAL PURPOSE METRIC SCREW THREADS. TOLERANCES. PRINCIPLES AND BASIC DATA. ISO general purpose metric screw threads. Tolerances-Limit deviations for screw threads. ISO general purpose metric screw threads. Tolerances. Deviations for constructional screw threads. BS ISO 965-1.
DIN ISO 965-1 - 2017-05 - DIN Media
This part of ISO 965 specifies a tolerance system for ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M) conforming to ISO 261. The tolerance system refers to the basic profile according to ISO 68-1. DIN 13-52 is being revised in connection with this adoption of …
DIN ISO 965-1 - ISO general purpose metric screw threads
2017年5月1日 · This part of ISO 965 specifies the basic profile for ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M) conforming to ISO 261. The tolerance system refers to the basic profile in accordance with ISO 68-1.
DIN ISO 965-2-ISO通用公制螺纹-公差-第2部分:通用外螺纹和内螺纹的尺寸限制;中等质量(ISO 965 …
1999年11月1日 · din iso 965-2iso通用公制螺纹-公差-第2部分:通用外螺纹和内螺纹的尺寸限制;中等质量(iso 965-2-1998)